Töpferliebe: Something for Forever

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Translation: Pottery love
4/6 of Just a Lovely Day 

YokLongtae [ Not me x 1000stars ]

YokLongtae [ Not me x 1000stars ]

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Yok was currently working on a painting for the second semester. Currently in his last year, he is close to graduating.
He and Longtae moved from Pha Pun Dao Village to Bangkok so they could finish their university. 
At first, they stayed in the garage with Gumpa and the others. They were still supposed to be there, but due to Sean and White fucking every minute, they decided to move to the university dorms. He and Tae lived there, but Yok still had his studio in the garage. 
Painting the cliff in Pha Pun Dao Village was hard, especially from the angle he was trying to get. Checking his phone so he could continue painting, he noticed it was getting later than he was going for. He also noticed the date. 13th of February. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day. 
He didn't really think much about Valentine's Day. He never celebrated it, even with Dan. 
But now he and Tae are dating. If celebrating Valentine's Day can satisfy Tae, he will definitely give it a try. 
His painting long forgotten, he searched “best places to go on Valentine's Day” on Google. 
After clicking on the first site, he checked out the options. 
Top 10 Valentine's Day Romantic Getaways: Expat Explore”
    • Paris, France. This beautiful, historic city is a classic romantic getaway, celebrated as the “City of Love." …
   • Greek Islands. For incredible scenery and pure relaxation, head to the Greek Islands on your next couple's trip.
Yeah no..
Other thoughts go through his head, but he ignores them.
Yok clicked off the website and checked out others until he found the perfect one. 
“Chao Phraya River Dinner Cruise?” whispered Yok. 
It's not like he didn't have money. He was working in some lgbtq+ cafe. Cafe for All, was it? 
It would be romantic there, for sure.. 
He really considered it, but after giving it a second thought, he decided not to. Many people recognize this restaurant from BL’s series. He also guessed all tables were already saved. Tae also didn't like crowded places much. 
A few minutes went by with searching, and Yok found a place nearby that held a special event, especially for tomorrow. 
His boyfriend seems like someone who would enjoy making these. 
Yok saved the location and started packing up. It was getting late, and he didn't want to worry Tae. 
He grabbed his things and headed downstairs. He informed Gumpa and wished him a goodnight before starting his bike and heading off to their shared dorm. 
                             𓆩 𓍢ִ໋🀦 𓆪
Yok sprinted off from his college and dialed Longtae’s phone number.
The phone rang a few times before Tae’s voice was heard. 
“I need you to wait for me upfront, and wear something comfortable!” said Yok, now smiling brightly. He can sense his boyfriend's confusion on the phone. 
“Just do it, naa?” 
“Alrighttt, I'll be there! I love you, and drive safely!” Replied Longtae, not a second later, a loud 'mwah!’ was heard, and some people around him turned to the sound. Yok didn't pay them attention.
“I will do so! I love you too,” Yok replied as he arrived in the university's parking lot. 
After a few more kisses were sent over the phone, Yok (unfortunately) had to hang up and start driving. 
He started his bike and started driving to their dorm just like last night.
After a few minutes of riding his bike he thankfully managed to get to their dorm without any traffic. The dorms weren't far from the university but weren't close either. 
He saw Longtae standing there waiting for him. He was wearing Yok’s black ripped jeans that kind of stood him like baggy pants, and his pastel yellow cardigan that Yok loved so much. 
Parking the bike, Longate came closer and Yok also noticed he was wearing a white shirt below his cardigan. 
Can this guy get even cuter?!
“Hey there handsome, coming here often?” teased Yok, looking him up and down. 
Yes he really can. 
Tae smiled and continued instead “Sorry to disappoint you but I have a strong and hot boyfriend. He wouldn't like it to see you here” 
Yok's smile grew more and he put his hands on Tae’s waist, bringing him closer. 
“Oh really? I bet I can take you better” he whispered in Tae’s ear, both of them knowing damn well they weren't talking about fighting. 
Longate was getting shy, his cheeks now coloured in bright pink and his ears were most likely red. Tae finally kissed Yok to ignore his teasing and changed the topic after he pulled away. 
“What did you call me here anyway?” 
Yok smiled and grabbed Tae’s hand, rubbing his fingers through the other’s soft knuckles.
“I want to take you somewhere” said Yok, genuinely trying not to spill and tell where exactly they're going to go. He didn't lie as well, he did want to take Longate somewhere. 
“Oh! So that's why you told me to find something comfortable, you should have told me to wear something nicer!” Tae scolded him. 
Yok kissed Tae’s cheek and squished them. 
“You always look nice whatever you wear. You also look perfect in my shirts and without unde-” Longtae quickly put his hand on his boyfriend's mouth to shut him up. 
“Okay okay let's get going!” 
Yok laughed it off and gave his second helmet to his boyfriend. And so they headed towards the location Yok chose yesterday. 
After about 30 minutes of driving, they arrived at their destination. Yok checked his phone multiple times to be sure they were in the right place. 
Now all he needs to do is go in and pay for their entry and activity. 
Yok turned to his boyfriend to find Longtae already looking at him with that look
Longate had many looks. Whenever he couldn't find the words to talk or wasn't feeling like talking at all. Which most of the times happened when they argued or when their days were just shit. Longate had a look for all of these. 
When Tae was upset and was feeling like crying, his eyes would look teary and his face making a sad dog frown. Yet Longate still locked absolutely breathtakingly even when he cried. 
But when he was happy, he would smile with his teeth showing and his eyes squishing along with it. Then Tae would open his eyes and stare at Yok in admiration. That's personally one of Yok’s favorite of that look series. 
And Yok’s favorite one was when Longate would stare at him like he was the most important person in the world. The noises in the background slowly fade away as Yok stares back at his lover until he sees heart in the smaller eyes. 
It was that look.
The look Yok loved the most. 
Longate often calls it lovesick and Yok believes him because he stares at Tae like that as well. 
Unfortunately they had to gaze away soon so they could continue their date, even though it was obvious how either of them wanted to look away. 
Thankfully (unfortunately) Longtae looked way and focused on their surroundings. Yok did the same seconds after. 
“Where are we?” asked Longtae, looking around curiously like a golden retriever searching for their owner at the park. 
Very very cute. 
Yok was widely smiling for who knows what time for today. He has been smiling a lot more ever since he had Longtae in his life. 
“You'll see, now I'm going to need you to wait here for a while na” 
He headed inside. Desperately trying his best to ignore Tae calling his name to ask more,but if Yok turns around he wouldn't be able to get away again. 
Looking around the entrance he spotted a few stations, it was like these stations they put around in the mental health center he goes to. There were a few activities. 
Cooking Crush! Come enjoy and learn how to make your favorite deserts!’
Nope, not their destination.
Not for today at least..’
Crafting Love! Want to craft something cute for your partner? Welcome!’ 
Well, not their destination as well. 
He would love to craft something for Longtae though. 
Pottery Art! Come make something with your partner or friends!’ 
There it was. 
He headed towards the girl standing on the stand and paid for their entries and supplies. Surprisingly it was cheap as they only took 388 baht from him. 
He came back to notice Longtae was out of sight. Yok became restless and worried about his boyfriend and when he was about to call out for him he noticed a small figure hiding behind some thick pole that you probably wouldn't notice Longtae there unless you got closer. 
Yok didn't need to get closer to make sure that was his boyfriend there. 
…He still went closer though
There he saw Tae was petting a street cat and was feeding it snacks that he probably got while waiting for Yok.
“It looks like you” said Tae, sensing his lover. He didn't even need to look up to make sure it was Yok. Because who else would be standing there than his own boyfriend? 
“So stubborn and sweet at the same time, aren't ya sweetie?” continued Longtae. 
The cat meows loudly, not paying attention to Tae’s words but keeps eating from the snack until there is no more.
Yok rolls his eyes playfully and when the cat returns where it came from, he held out his hand, waiting for his boyfriend to take it. 
“Let's go shall we?” smirked Yok. 
“I thought you'd never ask!” said Tae and took his hand, interlocked fingers while heading inside. 
Longtae seemed to look around with a curious gaze asking what looked like millions of questions. 
“These seem interesting!”
“What are we for?”
Yok just continued to the room and when they entered he turned to see his boyfriend's reactions. 
Tae looked like he was about to cry. 
“Are you crying?” teased Yok, squishing Longtae’s cheeks. He suddenly hugged Yok and hid his face in the tallers neck. Yok hugged back tightly,ignoring the people behind them. 
Afterwards they moved and chose their seats while waiting for the host. 
“Thank you,” said Tae. Yok sensed he was finished so he kept quiet.
“...I mean- Thank you for bringing me here to enjoy this with you” Longtae was brightly smiling at Yok. 
Yok really loved Longtae's smile. He has never seen a fake smile on his beautiful face and he prayed to the heavens, begging for it to not appear at all. 
The sun's rays reflected his shining hair and olive-black eyes.The light made him still so beautiful, part of his face colored a bright orangey yellow.The kind of light you see mainly when the sun goes to sleep. 
“Have I ever mentioned how beautiful you are?” said Yok, ignoring how his breath hitched and his heartbeat sped up when Longtae's cheeks were now coloured in bright pink and his eyes were slightly widened like he wasn't believing what Yok was saying. 
Longtae is beautiful.
He is absolutely beautiful.
Tae breaks their eye contact by looking at the front. Yok could hear someone introducing themselves but Yok couldn't tear his gaze away from Longtae. 
Unfortunately he had to if he wanted to learn how to function with the pottery. Making a promise to himself to call Longtae beautiful more often.
                             𓆩 𓍢ִ໋🀦 𓆪
Yok has never tried to make ceramics. He never really wanted to. 
In his first yeat of university his professor had assigned them a few tasks to choose. 
Yok chose to paint Bangkok during the night at that time. He simply chose what he was good at even though ceramics sounded fun as well. 
Well now he wished he had tried ceramics.
While he still has some problems with the starting tactics, Longtae seemed to get it. 
A while later he managed to get the pottery to work and decided to use earthenware clay since it was easier to use. 
He did some research on different types of clay. 
Porcelain was difficult to work with, meanwhile stoneware was something between? 
It took him a while to form a vase with the clay. When he was done he turned to his boyfriend. 
Longtae was already looking at him with quite the smile on his face. Yok didn't even hear the machine stop.
Since when was he ready? 
“You look absolutely cute, you know that?” Tae said smirking, he moved his hand, now resting on his chin, his elbow resting on the low mini-table with the machine that was now long forgotten. 
Yok, now fascinated, beaming silly at his boyfriend. 
“Oo,I love when you say things like that” 
It wasn't rare for Tae to call Yok cute. But whenever he does, Yok always feels like a highschool girl crushing over her crush. The butterflies in his stomach wild and his face the color of cherries.
This is the big effect Longate gives you,making you fall in love with him! 
“Alright guys! Is everyone done?” Yok startled and fixed his gaze up front to the lady from the beginning. He looked around and noticed just a few weren't ready. 
“Alright, those who are not ready can continue for a little while. The ones that are ready, I'll leave a few pieces of paper and a few pencils, you can write your names and put them on your table so I can know which ones belong to you. Any questions?” The lady stated. 
A hand was raised from Yok’s right side. 
“How long would it take for our pieces to dry?” asked the curious person. 
“Around 12 to 16 hours, but I recommend coming again after 24 or 42 hours, if there is anyone who can't make it in the next few days, the staff will deliver them to the address that you guys can add as you exit!” the lady continued explaining very clearly, she even managed to say it in english for the tourists that were in as well. 
After the girl left, Yok and other people stood up to take a piece of paper and a pencil. Writing their names and the dorm's address, adding that they can leave it by the reception office if they don't show up. 
Soon they left and went home. Unfortunately Yok didn't manage to make today's Valentine's Day last longer so he cooked dinner for both of them. 
Afterwards he and Tae danced on slow songs, holding each other close as they hummed along with the song.
They shared their special moment. Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery was playing on the radio. 
Oh baby I am a wreck when I'm without you, I need you here you stay. ‘ 
‘ I broke all my bones the day I found you, crying at the lake ‘
“I..I love you so much Yok” 
Longtae was tearing up, looking into Yok’s eyes without drifting his gaze away once. 
Yok held Tae’s hands tighter and brought him closer. 
“I love you so much Longtae, god I don't know where I'd be right now if it wasn't for you, I love you so damn much,my heart aches for you when we are apart, my heart beats like crazy when we are together and I don't ever want it to stop..–” 
Tae interrupted him by kissing him on the lips. 
The kiss was soft. They kept kissing and kissing until they had to part away for a breath
“Happy Valentine's Day, Yok '' said Longtae, holding him by the neck, rubbing their foreheads together slightly, Tae kissing nose. 
“Happy Valentine's Day love”
Two days from now there are going to be two sculptures standing on their memory shelf, for them to stand for years and years to come. 


I apologize the update came two days later, I got the flue and couldn't focus on writing.

I also apologize it's short and that ot doesn't have much actions like the last three chapters. I love YokLongtae as much as the others, gonna write more  of them in the future<3

Which couple do you think it's next?

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