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I walk through the park, anxiously waiting for the call. The T-Rex egg should be hatching soon, and I'm more than excited. I've watched dinosaurs hatch before, but this dino is special. This one is going to be mine to take care of.

Suddenly my radio crackles to life. "Sadie, we need you in the lab." My heart skips a beat. I run through the park until I reach my designated Jurassic World vehicle, and I jump in. I take off in the direction of the lab.

I reach it in about twenty minutes. I jump out of the car and I run into the lab. I slow down when I reach the incubators. I enter the room and walk towards the table with a bunch of eggs on it. They all vary in size; some are small and more spherical, while others are large and, well, egg-shaped. I approach a large one that is by itself. I kneel down so I'm eye level with it. Suddenly it shakes a little. My heart beats a little faster. "Okay, everyone out," someone says. I need to be the first person the T-Rex sees so that the bond between us is strong.

The egg continues to shake more and more, until a crack appears in it. My eyes light up, and I wait in anticipation for the dinosaur to completely hatch.

More and more cracks form, until a little hand appears. I smile as I watch the clawed hand break some more of the egg shell until an eye is revealed. She looks around a bit before she looks at me. "Hi," I say quietly. My smile gets bigger.

After about ten minutes the little T-Rex manages to hatch completely. I pick up the little hatchling in my hands and look at her. We make eye contact, and I can feel the bond being made. I smile again. I stroke her head gently, and she blinks slowly at me.

I hear a gentle tap on the glass, and I turn around to see one of the workers looking at me expectantly. I nod my head in understanding. They need to examine the baby. I gently put her down and exit the lab. On the way out the door I run into Claire, the woman in charge of the park. "How was it?" She asks me, even though she doesn't seem like she cares.

"She's adorable," I respond. I sigh happily. She gives me a smile and walks into the lab. Instead of going back to the park, I drive to my house that's about 5 miles away from the park. I remove my boots and fling myself onto my bed. I spend all night thinking of names for my new friend. I fall asleep happy.

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