Chapter 9

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My hand ignites with agonizing pain, and the blood drips onto my clothes. I cry out in pain, and I can see Claire glancing at me as she tries to not crash the truck.

"Oh my god!" She yells when she sees my wound. I can feel the truck slowing down as she focuses more on me. I can hear the boys yelling behind us, so I yell at Claire.

"Just drive! Go!" She turns her head back to the road and steps on the gas pedal, and we speed up.

I think I hear a motorcycle engine behind us, and it's confirmed when I hear the boys yelling Owen's name. I sigh in relief as I see the headlight penetrate the darkness in front of us.

"We've got to get indoors! Follow me!" He yells to us through the broken window and speeds up so he's leading us. I feel something warm dripping onto my legs, and I look down to see my wound bleeding badly. I open the glove box in front of me and dig around, luckily finding a small towel. I wrap it around my hand, covering the wound. I clench my jaw and groan loudly as the rough fabric comes into contact with the open wound, but at least it's protected now.

Claire calls Lowry and tells him to call in a chopper, and I can hear the little window opening behind us.

"What happened to your hand?" I hear a quiet voice ask. I turn my head to see Gray staring at the rag wrapped around my hand. I look down at it as some of the blood starts seeping through.

"Um, the raptor took off a couple of my fingers," I laugh lightly, fully realizing the situation now that I've said it out loud.

"Does it hurt?" He asks, seeming both disturbed and intrigued by it.

"Yeah, it hurts a lot," I tell him. He looks at me, and I give him a small smile. I turn my attention back to what's in front of us as we drive into the main plaza. Owen's motorcycle stops, and the truck follows, causing me to open the door and stumble out onto the pavement. Owen lowers the kickstand and stands up, looking to me. I walk up to him and throw my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist, and I have to stand on my toes as he squeezes me. I pull away and place my hands on his chest, and he looks down in confusion. He gently takes my left hand in his, and I wince as he accidentally puts pressure on the wound.

"What the hell happened?" He asks, his voice full of concern.

"One of the raptors crashed through the truck window, and when she fell out she took two of my fingers with her," I chuckle as I speak, but Owen doesn't find it funny. If anything, he seems pissed off, but understandably so.

Our moments is interrupted by Claire.

"We really need to go," she says, and I turn to see her standing by the truck with Zach and Gray.

"Right, yeah," I say, and I feel my hand slip from Owen's grasp as we head towards the lab. We begin running as we enter the building, trying not to trip over anything.

"Control room, that way!" Claire calls out, pointing ahead of us. We sprint into the lab to find it empty, completely devoid of people. We stop.

"They evacuated the lab," she says quietly, and we slowly make our way through it, looking at all the small animals they have in tanks. Colorful lizards, snakes, some unique water animals. I quickly turn my head when I hear something, and I see two men carrying a box out.

"What are you doing?" Claire asks, clearly confused. Another, familiar voice instantly makes my blood boil as he speaks.

"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, honey," Hoskins.

Run (Jurassic World: Owen Grady)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora