Chapter 7

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I turn around when I hear screaming. I see Claire running away, but I soon realize she was running towards something when she reaches two boys. She begins touching their faces and speaking to them, but their attention is on Owen and me. Claire turns to face us as we approach. The younger boy looks at my face, and he seems to concentrate for a moment before his eyes widen in realization and awe.

"You're the T-Rex trainer," he says.

"Yeah, hi," I say, giving him a smile. He looks at me in amazement, and I can't help but feel some pride for what I do.

"We gotta go," Owen says, speaking to all of us.

"Okay, come on," Claire says to the boys, and we all start walking. I turn to Owen.

"Who are they?" I ask, referring to the two boys.

"Her nephews," he answers, picking up his pace. I make an 'oh' shape with my mouth and speed up as well. We enter a 'staff-only' area as Claire's phone begins to ring. People rush around on foot and on vehicles, and it's almost as chaotic as the plaza.

"Lowry?" I hear Claire ask into the phone. She pauses and waits for Lowry to speak before she responds.

"Lowry, I'm on my way back to you." Another pause. "What do you mean 'use the raptors?'" She asks confused. Owen and I both turn.

"Son of a bitch," Owen says, clearly pissed now. Just as he says it, a military helicopter flies right over our heads.

"You shouldn't say bitch," the younger kid says, and we all turn when we hear a sound behind us.

"Take the kids, get them someplace safe," Owen says as we watch the large doors struggle to hold the wait of thousands of scared civilians, and quite a few large dinosaurs. We all turn and start running, and I see a conveniently placed jeep right behind us. I open the back door and usher the kids inside, the older one going first and the younger one following. As soon as they're in I join them, and I slam the door shut. Claire jumps in the passenger seat and Owen starts the jeep, just as the doors burst open. A pterenadon sits on a large skeleton decoration, causing everyone to run in our direction. The car begins backing up, and the kids begin screaming at Owen to drive faster. My fists are clenched around the shoulders of the seat in front of me, and my heart beats fast as the people begin catching up to the jeep. It suddenly turns, and we back into an alcove and watch the large crowd rush by.

"This doesn't feel very safe," I say, recalling what Owen said earlier.

"Can we stay with you?" The younger kid asks, I'm assuming addressing their aunt.

"I am never leaving you again," Claire says, but she's abruptly cut off.

"No, no, them," the kids say, as the older one rests a hand on Owen's shoulder and and younger one wraps himself around my arm. I look at him and give him a small smile as Claire turns back around, disappointed.

We wait for a little while until the crowd of people dies down a little. I can tell that Owen is tense about what's going to happen to his raptors, and I feel selfish as I think about Bella's safety in her enclosure. The jeep pulls out of the alcove rather quickly, and we begin speeding towards the nearest gate. It opens, and we go full speed in the direction of the raptor paddock. We pass by Bella's enclosure along the way, and I can vaguely hear her roar as we drive by. I'll be back soon.

It's night time when we reach the paddock. I gently shake my arm to wake up the younger boy, who fell asleep halfway through the drive. I give him a small smile, and he returns it as he sits up. Poor kid, he's too young to be going through something like this. From what his brother told us, they went through a lot today.

The jeep stops and Owen immediately walks up to a man in a tan shirt, and Claire follows. I open the door and get out of the vehicle, but I stay where I am and I lean against the open door.

"Look like the mother hen has finally arrived," the man says, and Owen doesn't hesitate to punch him in the face. I hear the kids shocked reactions from inside the car, and I smirk as he holds his face in pain.

"Get the hell out of here, and stay away from my animals," Owen says in a low voice. Claire seems angry too, but she's nowhere near as intimidating as Owen is when he's angry.

"Hoskins, you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch," Claire says angrily. I'd ask why anyone would want something like this to happen, but knowing what types of people are out there, clearly he wants it.

"Oh, jesus," he begins, and I sigh in annoyance, just wishing Owen would punch him again. "How many more people have to die before this mission begins to make sense to you?" Mission?

"It's not a mission, it's a field test," Barry says, joining the argument.

"This is an InGen situation now," the man-what was his name again?-says. He starts yelling, and I have to resist the urge to go up there and punch him myself. I take a step in their direction when I hear him yell at his people to move out. I stand next to Owen as the man addresses him.

"This is happening with or without you," he looks Owen in the eyes, and I can tell that he's thinking about it. Don't do it Owen, don't do it...

Claire and I stand back and watch as the raptors are prepped for the "mission." I sigh in annoyance at the man, who I've remembered is named Hoskins, and how ignorant he seems to be about what the raptors are truly capable of. I see Owen emerge from a room and approach Blue, and the two boys walk towards the cage. Claire stands next to me, and I look over at her to see her watching them.

"What are their names?" I ask, turning my attention back to them. They get Owen's attention and ask about the raptors.

"Zach and Gray," she tells me, and I can hear them ask who the alpha is.

"You're lookin' at him, kid," Owen says, and I remember when he said that to me when he first introduced me to the raptors. He looks at me, and I can tell that he remembers that, too. That moment when all of this, this whole situation, seemed impossible.

From the workers around us, I can tell that they're about to leave. I approach the cage where Owen still stands, and I can hear Claire following. Owen watches me the entire way, and I wrap my hands around the bars of the cage once I reach him. He looks at Claire.

"Get them somewhere safe," he says, and they walk off. He faces me.

"I take it you're going soon," I say, glancing around.

"Yeah," he responds, sounding a little worried. My gaze returns to him.

"Are you nervous?" I ask, glancing at Blue behind him.

"A little," he sighs. I frown.

"Be careful," I say quietly. He looks at me.

"You too." Barry appears behind him.

"Owen, come on. It's time," Owen nods in understanding without looking at Barry, and Barry walks away.

"I just want you to know something," I say quietly, and Owen stares at me intently, waiting for what I have to say. "If you die, I'm taking the motorcycle," I say as dramatically as I can. He looks down and laughs, shaking his head. I smile too, but I get serious.

"But seriously, don't die." I say, and he looks up at me.

"I'll try not to." He turns to leave, but I stop him.

"Owen, wait," he turns back to me, and I reach into the cage to grab him. I pull his face closer to the bars and kiss him through the gap. He kisses back for a few seconds and reaches up to grab my hand, and he squeezes it before he pulls away. I can hear the raptors screeching behind him, and that's his cue to leave.

"Get somewhere safe," he says, and he turns around and walks away.

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