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There stood Percy Jackson, she look like she had been mid fight with someone. Her high ponytail looked ruffed. Draco was the first to approach her, which only caused her grip on the mighty weapon to tighten, her breath heavy. Draco put his hands up in the surrender position, she didn't fold.

"Pes mou káti pou móno o Ntráko tha íxere!" Percy shouted, looking teary eyed.

Draco answered softly, "You had a crush on Dare for a week."

Percy let her stance soften, putting her trident down and hugging the boy, "Wise Boy."

Draco wrapped himself around her, causing her to drop the trident which disappeared when it hit the ground, "Seaweed Brain..." She took a deep breath in his neck.

Neville softly approached them, "Guys..." they turned to him, he held up a water cup, "Percy.." Percy took the water and drank it before it refilled and she dumped it all over her. Slowly her cuts and bruises turned to scars or disappeared.

"Thank you Longbottom." Percy smiled at the mousy boy, she turned to the firstes who were patiently waiting beside her and Draco, "Babies.." and they tackled her onto the floor shouting, "MOM!"

Once reunion for mom and kids finished Percy moved to hug the Malfoys and Neville and Luna.

Potter was the first one to break the wixens' silence, "Are you Percy Jackson?"

The sea-green eyed demigod turned to the supposed hero, "Yes, you are?"

"Harry Potter," Potter proudly smirked like Percy was to know who he was.

"Okay..." She went to turn to the-her kids but the fool spoke again.

"You know, hero of the light, boy who lived."

"Aren't you the kid who broke like a thousand rules and got rewarded for it? And stole my boy-I mean Draco's house cup or whatever it is a bunch?" Percy looked at him with fake innocents, though only the people who knew her knew it was fake.

"Well...I only broke the rules to save people.." Potter tried to justify.

Percy only hummed before turning to Draco, "I wanted to tell you before you left but um well I..."

Draco looked at the girl, "Let's talk during the break okay?"

She nods, it was impossible to confess to the boy she has loved since the beginning.

She finally noticed the note at her feet, picking it up.

Dumbledore smiled, if she was here in person it meant he could get her to agree to help the light, "My dear girl, welcome to Hogwarts -"

Percy held her hand up causing the old coot to stop mid sentence, "Shut up old man-I am trying to read."

Percy scanned through the note a thousand times.

Dear Persphone Jackson,
We, the Fates, have decided the wix need to learn the truth about somethings.
They are reading your life, do not reveal who your dad is yet.
TIme is paused everywhere while you are reading!
The Fates

"FUCK!" Percy yelled as everyone in the run felt dry for a moment, like a strong part of the water in the room disappeared before it returned.

Percy took a deep breath, calming herself, "Let's get this over with." She sat down next to Draco, letting the Demiwix and the Malfoys surround her.

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