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I Am Offered A Quest



The next morning, Chiron moved me to cabin three.

I didn’t have to share with anybody. I had plenty of room for all my stuff: the Minotaur’s horn, one set of spare clothes, and a toiletry bag. I got to sit at my own dinner table, pick all my own activities, call “lights out” whenever I felt like it, and not listen to anybody else.

“That sounds awesome!” Weaslebe grinned. He could imagine what not having to share was like. He decided that when Harry and the whore got together that he could just have that cabin to himself.

And I was absolutely miserable.

“How?” Weaslebe roared out.

Just when I’d started to feel accepted, to feel I had a home in cabin eleven and I might be a normal kid-or as normal as you can be when you’re a half-blood-I’d been separated out as if I had some rare disease.

Nobody mentioned the hellhound, but I got the feeling they were all talking about it behind my back. The attack had scared everybody. It sent two messages: one, that I was the daughter of the Sea God, his only daughter; and two, monsters would stop at nothing to kill me. They could even invade a camp that had always been considered safe.

The other campers steered clear of me as much as possible. Cabin eleven was too nervous to have sword class with me after what I’d done to the Ares folks in the woods, so my lessons with Luke became one-on-one. He pushed me harder than ever, and wasn’t afraid to bruise me up in the process.

Bet he regrets that now.” Draco smirked at his pearl, who smirked back, wicked gleams in their eyes.

“You’re going to need all the training you can get,” he promised, as we were working with swords and flaming torches. “Now let’s try that viper-beheading strike again. Fifty more repetitions.” Draco still taught me Greek in the mornings, but he seemed distracted. Every time I said something, he scowled at me, as if I’d just poked him between the eyes.

After lessons, he would walk away muttering to himself: “Quest … Poseidon? … Dirty rotten …Got to make a plan …”

Luicus smacked his forehead, that is not how you get the girl…

Narcissa gave Draco a look as he tried to apologize to the girl next to him, who jokingly just turned her head away.

The demiwix and the Malfoys just laughed as Percy said, “Beg for it. Want my forgiveness, beg.”

The hall was shocked to watch Draco get on the ground, on his knees in front of this muggle girl and look around.

“Please forgive me Pearl. I would do anything for your forgiveness.” Draco looked up at Percy, who looked surprised and slightly embarrassed, but he continued, “Please forgive me Princess Persephone.”

She went to push  him away, “Draco-”

“Please~” Draco begged. “Συγχωρέστε με τώρα αλλιώς γιατί είμαι γονατιστός μπροστά σε όλους.”

The ones in the hall who knew Greek looked at the Malfoy Heir in surprise for the bold move.

The rest of the hall thought he was still begging.

Percy was a Gryffindor red and just nodded, “I-I forgive you.”

Draco sat back down next to her, wrapping his arm around her, “Thank you Seph.”

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