3. In The Shadow

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Kyla's POV

As we walked away from the bustling town square, I couldn't shake off the weird encounter with Jacob. His unexpected appearance and helpful gesture left me feeling both intrigued and unsettled. I glanced back over my shoulder, half-expecting to see him still standing there, but the crowd had swallowed him up.

"What's eating you?" Mackenzie's voice yanked me back to reality as she playfully nudged me.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just caught up in my head," I said, painting on a smile that didn't reach my eyes.

Mackenzie raised an eyebrow. "Nothing's the matter? And that's the valid reason you have running away from the first cute being we've met since we got here?" I look at her, spaced out a little.
"Yeah something is most definitely up."

"Something just... feels off," I admitted, though the words barely scratched the surface of my unease.

Mackenzie then shifted gears, her excitement about exploring local eateries pulling me along in her wake. I tried to immerse myself in the conversation, to let her enthusiasm wash over me, but Jacob's image haunted the back of my mind, an uninvited shadow in the midst of our adventures.

Wandering the streets, a prickling sensation of being watched crept over me. My eyes darted to every corner, half-expecting Jacob to materialize, but it was just the crowd, oblivious to my turmoil.

We eventually settled on a quaint café, its warm glow and the rich scent of coffee promising a brief respite. Finding a secluded spot, we sank into the comfort of routine, the surrounding buzz a welcome distraction from my racing thoughts.

"So, what's next on the escape plan from human interaction?" Mackenzie teased, her eyes dancing over the menu.

I shot her a wry look. "Sorry about that," I said, though my apology was drowned out by my inner tumult.

I suggested a quiet night back at our apartment, hoping familiarity would ease the disquiet that Jacob's appearance had stirred within me. Mackenzie agreed, but the shadow of our encounter hung heavily between us.

Our meal arrived, but my appetite had vanished. Mackenzie's lively chatter became a distant murmur as I wrestled with my thoughts. What was it about Jacob that unsettled me so?

"You're really out of it, huh?" Mackenzie's voice, laced with concern, pulled me from my reverie.

"Just tired," I lied, offering a hollow smile. She searched my face, her worry palpable.

Mackenzie's offer to talk was a balm, reminding me of the depth of our friendship. "Thanks," I managed, the weight of my unease slightly lessened by her presence.

With dinner finished, we paid the bill and made our way back to the apartment. The streets were quieter now, the hustle and bustle of the day giving way to a peaceful evening calm. But even in the relative quiet, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. I kept on looking back and sides.

As we finally reached our apartment building, I glanced around nervously, half-expecting to see someone lurking in the shadows. But the street was empty, the only sound the distant hum of traffic.

"Are you sure you're okay, Kyles?" Mackenzie asked, her brow furrowed with concern. "Did that new guy say something to you?"

"Of course not." I forced a smile, nodding. "Yeah, just a bit on edge, I guess. New place and all that."

Mackenzie nodded, seemingly satisfied with my explanation. But as we made our way up to our apartment, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was seriously wrong.

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