1: Let it Started

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1: Let it Started

In a higher dimension.

Where the universe itself seemed small, where stars, galaxies, Milky Ways, and supermassive black holes blended like an abstract painting in a strange harmony.

There was a silent tranquility, one that had endured countless eras.

Then, of course, that tranquility was unexpectedly shattered.

A space that had remained unchanged for billions of years suddenly encountered a wave traveling through it, followed by a sound akin to shattering glass into thousands of pieces.

The fabric of reality briefly fractured, just for less than a millisecond, but it was enough for the wave produced to be felt by an entity that had been sleeping for an immeasurable amount of time.

No, even time couldn't define the eternity that its slumber had been.

Because it had been born even before time itself was born.

Eyes that shimmered with the color of the universe opened, and a long yawn that made galaxies tremble was produced by a figure rising from its slumber.

"Uh?" For others, the brief moment when a rift between dimensions opened might be fleeting and imperceptible.

For the nameless being, it was as if they saw it happen in slow motion, despite being billions of light-years away.

Their eyes flashed, fully focusing on the rift.

Then something happened that even their eyes, which seemed to contain the entire universe, opened with slight astonishment.

Through the rift, something entered, something small and weak that would have been destroyed by the currents of energy in the higher dimension it inhabited.

But she raised her hand, and her infinitely vast energy protected the little soul that had managed to enter a higher dimension by pure luck or misfortune.

The being approached and examined the soul closely, and a smile that seemed to contain the sparkle of thousands of stars formed on their "face."

Instantly, countless amounts of information flooded their mind from every corner of existence.

Like a young child discovering the internet for the first time, they caught up with the events that had been taking place while they slept.

"Oh, this seems interesting~" the being seemed to contemplate something for a brief moment before nodding with excitement.

"I guess 'fate' has brought us together, haha," they said, looking at the small soul in their hand.

"Well, let's have some fun too"




"Dead? Am I dead?!" There was disbelief, apprehension, but above all, disappointment.

He was dead, just like that, he was dead. That...

When he thought about it, he couldn't quite remember it correctly. How did he die?

"You're repressing the memory, trust me, you don't want to know. I took a peek, and it wasn't pleasant" the feminine voice came, bringing along a new set of questions.

It was like looking at personified space, with skin that seemed to contain the universe. The being in front of him was anything but ordinary.

Despite having a feminine figure, Daniel felt that something like a "gender" was too simple to describe her. It was like comparing the ocean to a puddle of water.

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