5: Somebody's watching me

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5: Somebody's watching me

"In other news, the famous billionaire Tony Stark is missing. The genius and philanthropist who has dominated the military industry in recent years was last seen at his presentation in Afghanistan, since then-"

Daniel watched the morning news. After his little trip around the world, he returned to his farm; he still had some things to do.

Since he decided to try to be a hero, he should try to create a proper hero suit.

His trench coat was fine, but honestly, it didn't give off the heroic image he thought he should have.

Following in the footsteps of All-Might certainly wouldn't be easy, but nothing worth having was easy to get.

At least that's what his brother always said.

Daniel looked at the coffee cup in his hand.

"Here we go, test number 57" He had been looking for the exact combination of pure coffee and sugar that would allow his taste buds to taste the glorious flavor of coffee again.

The boiling liquid went down his throat without causing any discomfort. His tongue savored the sugar and coffee beans in perfect combination for a few seconds before a smile formed on his lips.

"Perfect!" He raised the cup high as if it were the discovery of the century.

He finally had his morning coffee back!

In good spirits, he sat down and watched the news. These days, he mainly watched to know the state of the world and if there was any natural or unnatural disaster to pay attention to. He knew, after all, that this world would have many fantastic things appearing at some point, so staying alert was the right thing to do.

Although for now, the disappearance of Tony Stark seemed like a somewhat important topic for this world, as every news outlet was covering it.

Daniel certainly felt it was a pity; a genius of that caliber had not existed in his previous life.

His company had dominated the military and technological sector of the world, and when he tried to find out why, despite it being the year 2007, the technology of this world almost seemed to match that of his old world in 2023, he realized that it was mainly due to Stark Industries.

Of course, there were many other companies that competed with it and even seemed almost equal, but it was undeniable who led the sector.

And all this was because of just one person.

Tony Stark had made this world advance much faster than his old world. He had wanted to talk to the man when he found this out, but it seemed that would be very difficult now.

For a moment, Daniel considered the impact this event would have on the world. He was not a financial expert or a market analyst, but he certainly knew that without Tony, Stark Industries would face very difficult days.

Probably many jobs would be lost.

For a second, he considered whether he should try to find the man, but he quickly dismissed that idea.

As good as his senses were now, they weren't that good. The desert was a very vast place, and trying to find a person there was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Too much sand. Flying or running at high speed would bring a great disaster, and without that, the search could take a long time.

Besides, it was an active war zone at the moment. Going there now could be very disastrous. He didn't want to fight with any government or antagonize them if he could avoid it.

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