11: Purple Blood

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Before starting this chapter, I want to thank those who donated to me on ko-fi. I truly didn't expect so much support even without receiving anything in return.

I am deeply grateful to you guys:




I'm putting the names as they appear on ko-fi because I don't want to make a mistake.

If I manage to write more chapters than those I have published, I hope to be able to send you an advanced chapter, although I'm not sure when that will be, probably when I have less work.

Finally, if anyone wonders what I did with those donations, originally I thought of saving it to meet my ko-fi goal, to get a new PC.

But sometimes there are more important things.

I will soon be an uncle, and I decided, now that I know the baby's gender, to buy some things for him.

He will be born this month, probably in a week or two, I'm not sure of the date, I'm nervous and I hope everything goes well.

With that said, I leave you with this new chapter in which the plot moves forward a little more.


11: Purple Blood

High atop a building, an extremely secure laboratory was situated, with scientific personnel bustling about, attending to their tasks.

In the central area, a middle-aged man gazed at the screens in front of him. Simulation after simulation ran in real-time, each one encountering failure after failure.

The DNA helix chain of the human genome decomposed and reassembled every second, attempting to combine with different genomes.

The man sighed and glanced at his left hand, or where his left hand should have been. Instead, all he saw was a stump and phantom pain coursing through his body.

He could almost feel it, as if it were still there.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice how the atmosphere in the laboratory changed, and how the other assistants and lower-ranking scientists began to move away from his immediate area.

Firm and stoic steps approached where he stood, and Dr. Curt Connors snapped out of his trance, turning around. Severe green eyes met his, and he couldn't help but swallow nervously.

"How are the advancements coming along?" Norman Osborn's voice resonated throughout the laboratory, irritation clear in it. His tall, stoic figure provided a stark contrast to the man in front of him, who had unconsciously hunched over in his mere presence.

"The genome combination has shown significant progress, sir. In a few months, we should be able to commence trials with primates" Dr. Curt Connors spoke with a slight touch of nervousness, his fingers on his one hand tightly gripping his white coat.

But what he said wasn't what Norman wanted to hear.

"I don't have months! This project has been in the lab for over twenty years! I need results, the board needs results, the military needs results. We can't continue without anything to show!" The voice rose, breaking a subtle pretense of calm and revealing Norman's clear irritation and anger. Dr. Connors stepped back with a look of concern on his face.

"Sir, if we rush the process, the chances of failure will increase drastically. We can't guarantee satisfactory results that way" Dr. Connors responded, his voice tinged with apprehension.

Norman looked at him thoughtfully before smiling.

"But don't we already have successful test subjects? Those damn spiders have been gathering dust for too long. Use them. I don't care if they die. I want to know how they managed to survive the process" At the mention of the spiders, Dr. Connors spoke quickly, forgetting his apprehension towards the man who was his boss.

Still Defiant! SI-OC [Marvel/DC] ENGWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt