Mary's Song

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"Okay what do i say?" Taylor, Blake, Keleigh and Selena all crowd Taylor's phone as they try to figure out what to say. "I feel like i'm 15 again." Taylor giggled, she was feeling giddy, like she was a teenager all over again.

"Okay um, maybe start off by saying like 'Hey it's Taylor, i got your number from Miles.' and i don't know the rest." Selena said as she looks over Taylor's shoulder.

"Okay no." Blake grabs Taylor's phone. "Say something funny, like 'Hey Killa Trav, this is Taylor, you're hot, i'm hot, let's grab dinner."

Taylor goes to snatch her phone back, "Definitely not, you're delusional."

"Just don't say anything boring." Keleigh said.

"I didn't want to do this to begin with, why am i putting so much effort into this." Taylor starts typing.

'Hey Travis, this is Taylor.'

"Hey travis? This is taylor? Girl be fucking for real that's so lame, send another one." Keleigh exclaimed.

"Fine, holy shit." Taylor started typing again.

'A few people convinced me to reach out, you got lucky i listened. How's your evening going?'

She threw her phone and covered her face with a pillow as everyone started screaming like 14 year olds at a slumber party.

bzz. bzz.

"Oh my god, oh my god open it!" Selena said grabbing Taylor's phone and handing it to her.

"No i can't, I'm nervous." She said and threw it back.

Keleigh turned to her with her arms crossed, "I thought you didn't care... hmm?"

"Don't judge me, i'm a hopeless romantic." Taylor says, covering her face with the pillow again.

"Okay i'll open it." Blake said and picked up the phone. "Oh my god he's adorable." she squealed.

"What did he say? Let me see." Taylor said as Blake threw her phone at her. Everyone crowded her as they read it.

'Hey! Well i have to send them all thank you gift baskets later. It's going great so far, how are you?'

"I don't know how to respond, my palms are sweaty. I haven't had butterflies in my stomach in ages." Taylor said, gaping at her phone.

Her friends surrounding her, giggling over a text from the boy on the football team.

Travis didn't expect a 20 second clip from their podcast to make breaking news. Every time he opened his phone it was a new article being written and published about it. And his phone had been buzzing every 5 minutes. Truth be told, he was kind of embarrassed. So he kind of hadn't touched his phone in a few days.

A small part of him hoped she would see it, but even if she did, he knew the chance of her reaching out would be slim. She knew that he was attending and wanted to meet her, but she didn't want to meet him, so he assumed she didn't care much.

Boy was he wrong.

Eventually he went on his phone again, clearing all of the notifications, ignoring all of the emails asking for an interview about the clip.

"Trav, where do you want the poker table?" Travis's friend Ross asked him.

"You can just put it by the kitchen table, thank you." He smiled and went to grab the chips.

The guys had poker night at Travis's tonight. He expected it to be a normal night, to lose some money and drink some beer, the usual.

But boy was he wrong.

bzz. bzz. bzz.

Travis grabbed his phone to see a text from an unknown number,

'Hey Travis, this is Taylor'

His heart literally dropped. This has to be a prank.

bzz. bzz. bzz.

Another one,

'A few people convinced me to reach out, you got lucky i listened. How's your evening going?'

"Trav, you good?" Patrick walked by Travis to see his mouth slightly open with shock written all over his face. He didn't say anything, just turned his phone to show Patrick the text.

"Yo! No fucking way." Patrick started laughing, "I'm sorry i ever doubted you man."

Ross walked into the room to see what all of the commotion was about, "What's going on?"

"Taylor fucking Swift just texted Travis." Patrick said still laughing.

"No fucking way let me see that." Ross took the phone from his hand. "That's dope as fuck. Are you sure it's her?"

"I just got this number, no one has it but a few people. I think Miles was the one who played cupid, his wife is bestfriends with Taylor." Travis said, still shocked.

"But she said a few, who else?" Patrick asked.

"I have no idea. What do i say?" Travis asked, trying to gather his thoughts. 

"I don't know, something Travisee. But not too Travisee, don't scare her away. You'll never get this opportunity again." Ross chuckled.

"Say something like 'Hey Taylor, wow i can't believe you reached out, this is crazy. Would you like to get dinner?'

"Bro you just told me not to scare her away, that's too much." Travis scoffed and went to sit down on the couch.

'Hey! Well i have to send them all thank you gift baskets later. It's going great so far, how are you?'

"How does that sound?" He showed them and asked.

"That's good enough. Send it." Ross said.

"No what do you mean good enough? What should i say instead then?" Travis frantically asked.

"You're over thinking this, just hit send." Patrick tapped the little send button.

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