Chapter 1 - Breaking Point

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September 30, 2015. 923 Silverwood Lane, Northern Pack Lands.

"It's a facility for the disturbed—"

My eyes rolled once more at her words but before she could, I cut her off, "It's not a facility, Mom. You're sending me to an asylum."

Her hand went straight to her hip and I knew exactly what was coming next. "You killed two people, Fallon. You should thank me that you're not in jail."

"I told you, it was an accident. They both were accidents. I didn't want to kill them, Mom. It wasn't like I woke up in the morning and decided to kill someone. It was out of my control—"

"You buried a whole body and hid it from me. Whether it was an accident or not, you did kill that man, buried him in Hollow Point, and went with your life as if no one was going to find it." Her voice raised and so did mine.

"I did that because I was scared."

"You could've come to me. I would've helped you, but you were so hell-bent on keeping it a secret which led to this whole manic episode of yours," Her hands went up in the air and she paced around our living room.

Manic episode.

She kept saying that, and I hated it.

"And you know what happened after that."

I clenched my jaw as I recalled the night when I had stabbed someone just outside of the house, thinking it was Dom Sterling, the man I had killed in the woods. I was truly losing my mind.

When I didn't say anything, Mom took a few steps forward and closer to me. The expression on her face changed and her hands came to my shoulders. "I'm sorry, Fallon. I shouldn't have said all of this, especially now, but I hope you can understand how difficult all of this is for me. I thought we were closer than this."

"I was scared." I repeated again.

"I know, and I'm sorry that you had to go through these past two weeks alone. But I'm here for you now, and I'll do everything in my power to get you better. Trust me, Fallon. You need help and the asylum can give you that."

"So now we agree that it is an asylum?" I cocked my brow at her.

"Yes, it is, but it has amazing doctors and therapists who can help you," Mom smiled and I mirrored hers. "And it's better than going to jail."

"How long was my sentence?"

"Two years—for both counts," She heaved out a breath and stepped back. "But like I said, I took care of it. You just need to go pack your things tonight and your Dad and I will take you to the asylum in the morning. The faster you recover, the faster you can come back home."

I nodded absentmindedly and looked away from her. Recovery. That was a word I never thought I'd hear myself. I wasn't sick. I never had been. I didn't have any mental illness until the very night I killed Dom Sterling at Hollow Point.

It was out of self-defense—he attacked me first. I shifted and tried to run away, but he wouldn't let me go. He chased me through Hollow Point, left a deep gash on my leg, and pinned me to the ground. I had to do something, so I fought him with whatever strength I had. I had no intention of killing him, I just wanted to run away from him.

It was too late in the night and from the stench coming off him, I truly believed he was a rogue and that no one could come looking for him.

So I buried him in Hollow Point and ran back home.

The guilt came the next morning when I realized what I had done. I didn't tell anyone, not even Natalie, or Mom. I couldn't.

"Mom," I called her and she hummed in response. "I don't think I can sleep tonight."

Her face softened and she pulled me into her arms. I rested my head on her shoulders and closed my eyes. My heart was heavy and I felt like shit with all that has been happening.

"It's going to be fine, Fallon. You'll be fine. Take this pill, it will help you sleep." She pulled away from me and went into the drawer where Dad kept his medicine. She handed me a sleeping pill and I didn't hesitate to pop it into my mouth.

I hadn't slept in the past few weeks.

At all.

There was some truth in Mom's words when she said I had been going through a manic episode. After burying Dom Sterling's body, I started seeing him everywhere, literally everywhere. Wherever I went, he was there, sometimes sitting and sometimes standing. Sometimes smiling and sometimes glaring at me.

Day by day, it became worse, especially when I started hearing him.

He taunted me, teased me, and threatened me.

Last week, when I was walking back home after having coffee with Natalie, I thought I heard him following me and when I looked back, I saw someone. I wasn't sure if it was him or someone else, but out of panic, I stabbed that man who ended up being someone else completely.

I was arrested for killing Liam, an innocent man who was just taking his evening walk, and the very next day, Dom's body was found in the forest and he was identified.

Two murders—I had done two murders.

I killed Dom out of self-defense but Liam was an accident.

Nonetheless, I was charged with two counts of murder and had to spend two nights in jail. If it wasn't for my parents, I'd be still there. My dad spoke to the alpha, requesting a lesser sentence while my mom gave the judge evidence that I had been going through a manic episode.

The alpha was lenient on me for only one reason. The man that I had killed and buried in Hollow Point was an ex-prisoner, therefore, his life didn't matter much to the alpha. He was indeed a rogue, just as I assumed, and that he was on his way out of the town after being released from prison.

I was only being punished for murdering Liam, a pack warrior. My punishment was reduced to two years imprisonment, but when the judge was convinced that I was mentally unstable, he reduced my sentence further to a year of treatment at Grimstone Asylum.


I looked up at Mom and blinked a couple of times. Sleep was slowly taking over me and I stumbled on my feet. Mom grabbed my arm and helped me upstairs to my room.

"I think you should go to bed. Those medicines work really fast. I'll help you pack up in the morning before we leave." She opened the door to my room and brought me inside.

"Thanks, Mom." I said, lying down on the bed.

"Have a good night's sleep."

She leaned down and kissed me on the cheek before leaving the room. The door remained open. With all that had been going on with me, I was much more comfortable if the door was left wide open when I'd sleep.

Although, there was something odd about all of this.

The hallucinations had stopped once the body was found. I hadn't seen Dom Sterling the past whole week.

Maybe it was over now.

Or maybe this was just the beginning.

Who knew?

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