Chapter 2 Part 5: The Unexpected Encounter

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As Khloe walked back to the hotel, she couldn't help but to feel proud of herself. She stood up to a spoiled-overrated jerk.

She continued to walk to the hotel with her head up high. That was until she overheard some girl gossiping.

"Girl, did you hear what happened to Charm at the mall?" said one girl.

"Yeah! I heard some over-crazed fan pushed him in the fountain." said the second girl.

Khloe couldn't believe her ears. He took his fame and turned it into his favor. But, it's a celebraity she's thinking about. She wanted to hear more about the details, so she casually joined in on the conversation.

"Wow! I can believe some fans these days." she said, loud enough for the girls to hear.

"Oh hey! Did you hear about Charm getting pushed in the fountain too?" said the first girl.

"Yeah, but I only heard a little about it. So, what excatly happened?" she asked them.

"Well, we heard this girl asked Charm to be her boyfriend and he respectfully said no. She got mad and pushed him into the fountain. That's the story."

Khloe couldn't contain her outrage.

"That's not what happened! He was being a jerk and he lost his balance. It's not my fault, he was clumsy."

She quickly covered her mouth as the girls looked at her in shock.

"That was you?!" said the second girl.

"Why would you do that? Don't you know how nice Charm is?!" said the girl.

"Well, I didn't push him. He fell back." Khloe said as she crossed her arms.

"You need to apologize! That was so rude!" yelled the second girl.

"Um, no I don't. I didn't do anything wrong." she said, defensively.

"Yeah, right." the first girl said as she rolled her eyes.

"Matter fact, I'm going to post it in my story right now." said the second girl as she typed.

"Whatever. Man, these Charmies are crazy and nosy. " Khloe said as she walked off.

"You're not going to be saying that when your social life gets destroyed." said the first girl.

"Exactly, Sofia! Us, Charmies, can find anything we want." said the second girl.

"Amen to that, Amber!" The two girls clapped their hands together to show their pride.

Khloe didn't pay them any mind and started laughing silently. Khloe didn't have a social life because she never got social media.

"That's right. Spend all the time in the world looking for something that's not there." she said.

"Tch, that girl doesn't know what's about to hit her." said Amber.

As Khloe walked in the hotel lobby, eyes were piercing her soul. The hotel manager, Leo walked up to her.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to say. You are no longer able to stay at this hotel."

At first, she laughed. Then, she slowly realized he was being 100 percent honest.

"May I ask why?"

He took a deep breath and said," It's because of your actions today at the mall. If you were to push a celebrity, imagine a regular client in this establishment."

Khloe looked around and nodded her head. She knew Charm was bad, but this was a whole new level.

Her two years working for others and having to suck up to them, was about to pay off.

"I understand where you are coming from, I truly do. But..."

She took a pause to show her seriousness.

"Do you honestly think that kicking out a client from this hotel, wouldn't make you look bad?" she continued.

"This whole situation was a misunderstanding. If I were to leave a review about this place, that would be the first thing I would say." She smirked and topped everything off with a bang.

"I work for KNY Hotel Review Center. Do you think that would leave a good mark on your amazing hotel, hm?"

Khloe knew she had him right where she wanted him. Leo's eyes were as wide as the sun. He quickly asked for Khloe's forgiveness.

"Please, forgive me. I suppose I let the press control me."

"I suppose it happens to everyone, so I'll let it slide."

She gave him a deadly, yet kind smile and went on her way.

"Dang! I am on a roll today!" she thought, excitedly.

She pressed on the elevator button and waited for it to open. As the door opened, Khloe was feeling herself. Though there was no one around, she walked into the elevator like she created the place.

She was like a model in her prime, unstoppable. She opened her hotel room door and took off her shoes.

"Man, today was exhausting." she said out loud.

"Who's there?"

Khloe froze in place. Did she perhaps enter somebody else's room? 

"But my room card wouldn't open anyone else's door." she thought.

She grabbed the pepper spray from within her purse and pulled it.

She unlocked her weapon and walked slowly into the bedroom. Without looking nor thinking twice, she sprayed the intruder.

"AHHH!" he yelled. "What on god's green Earth are you doing?!"

She recognized his voice anywhere. As she fully immerges in the room, Charm was sitting on her couch, his hands covering his eyes.

"What are you doing in my room?!" she yelled.

"I'm obviously being attacked by a furious beast of a woman." he said.

"I'm a what?!" she yelled, angrily.

"It was a this moment I knew, I messed up." Charm thought to himself.


Everyone on that floor could hear what was happening. Each man on that floor started to wince at Charm's words. Everyone opened their doors and went out in the hallway to hear what was happening.

"That man is going to be dead in the next 2 minutes." said one.

"Maybe we should save him?" said another.

"Nah! She'll probably kill us." said a third.

"We should just hear what happens." said the first one.

The wives of those man couldn't agree more either Khloe. Each one of the wives were cheering Khloe on.

"That's right, baby girl!" said the first man's wife.

"You best to do women right and show him who's boss around here." said the second man's wife.

"Honey?" said the first man, confused.

"Don't "Honey" me. You know all to well that men think that they're the ones in charge." she said.

The conversation was cut short by Charm's screams. "You're crazy!" he yelled. "WHAT!" Khloe roared.

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