Chapter 5 Part 3: Tell Me Your Secrets

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What was supposed to be a day of celebration turned into a day of mourning. Everyone gathered together to mourn the loss of their beloved teacher, mother, friend, and more. As the pastor was saying a prayer for her, Charm couldn't hear anything.

His attention was on the casket with the only person that he considered his mother. Charm attention was drifted away from mother and to everyone looking at him. He felt a poke on the side of his stomach and looked down.

"Charm, are you willing to give a speech?" Isabella asked him.

"What?" he sounded dazed and sad.

"The speech?" she repeated.

"Oh, yeah." He walked up to the stand and looked at everyone that was there.

"Um..... Thank you for coming," he started.

"Ms. mom was a kind soul. She was hard on us, but we knew it was out of love. She knew what to say and how to say it. She never minced her words, but it was always the slap in the face that we needed." he said. His eyes started to water and poured from his eyes.

"I-I..." Charm's voice began to break and fade away. He took a few minutes to breathe and get in a better state of mind.

"I'm sure that everyone loved her as much as I did. I just hope... I just hope that she is at peace." he finished.

Everyone took a moment of silence and it was time to close the casket. Everyone surrounded her with her favorite flowers, Spider Lilies, and laid her down. Charm gave her a final kiss and said goodbye. After the closing, he was nowhere to be found.

Everyone was searching for him. They knew he suffered a great loss and his depressed state would have been too much for him to handle by himself.

"Charm! Charm!" Everyone called out for him.

"I think we should split up. We should look in all his comfort areas and search there." Jake told everyone.

"I agree." Sofia added.

Everyone split up after Jake and Sofia told them his main places. After a while, no one still couldn't find Charm. There was one place that he could have been, but only one person knew that.

"Charm?" Isabella shouted out.

"Charm! I only want to know that you're okay." she said.

She went through an alley and went behind a tree. It lead to an abandoned building. The vines grew on the walls and flowers surrounded the area. There she saw Charm lying underneath a big willow tree. The sun was hitting his face as he basked in the sunshine.

"Charm?" she called out.

He opened his eyes and turned his head to face her. "Hello." he said to her. He turned his face back to where it was. He took a deep breath in and let it out.

"You know," he started to say.

"Mom took me here. She showed me this amazing place; it looks like a fairytale land, doesn't it?" he told Isabella.

"Charm." she said, solemnly.

He smiled slightly. "I'm okay. I saw her in this fairytale land. She looked very happy." he said to Isabella.

"There's no need to cry." he said to her as she started to tear up. She ran over to Charm and cried in his shoulder. After a while, they went back to the others. Everyone slightly scolded Charm for disappearing on them so suddenly.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I was at our favorite spot." They all looked at him and forgave him instantly. They knew he needed time off to absorb everything and let her go.

"Let's not be sad, everyone." Charm said, suddenly.
Everyone looked at him with shock. He took a deep breath and finished his sentence. "Let not be sad because she wouldn't want that. Today was supposed to be our reunion, so let's enjoy it. She's with us no matter what."

Everyone smiled at him and they all agreed. They went out to a restaurant, a bowling alley, and then the studio they grew up in. They brought some beers and all grabbed one. They all opened their cans at the same time and said, "To Ms. Johnson!"

They all laughed and walked around the studio. They touched the walls, sat on the floor, and laid on the benches. They all went down memory lane. It was bittersweet, remembering the good and bad moments.

After a while, they all left. Sofia and Jake went back home. The only ones left were Charm and Isabella. They started to walk to Charm's hotel room, hand in hand. They were silence most of the time until Isabella broke it.

"So, are you really okay?" she asked him still worried.

He laughed a little. "Yes, I'm really okay."

She wasn't fully convinced, but if Charm was acting he was doing a really good job. When they reached the hotel room, they laid down on the bed. They laid down looking at each other. Charm was brushing Isabella's hair.

"Thank you for being here with me." he said to her.

"It's not a problem." she replied.

He moved closer to her. He gave her a kiss on the forehead, "I love you, Isabella Browne." he said to her. She kissed his forehead back, "I love you too, Charm Kingston." After that, the two started dating.

They were considered the perfect couple and they felt like it too. They did all types of fun things. Making pizza or pasta, watching movies, or even helping each other with their scripts. Everything felt perfect, but nothing can never stay that way.

After two years of dating, Isabella started to act weird. It was as if she was scared to lose him. Her popularity skyrocketed when she was introduced as Charm's girlfriend. She wouldn't let Charm be for not even a minute. They would get into huge arguments because Charm would do collabs with other girls.

"What is the problem?!" Charm yelled.

"You're always hanging out with other girls!" she yelled back.

"Because I work in the entertainment industry! There are female actors and artists! My job requires for me to work with both genders!" he yelled being irritated.

He couldn't believe she would start an argument over something that she does herself. She knows about the ins and outs of the industry they work for.

"Well, maybe you should quit your job." she told him, bluntly.

"Or maybe you should get off my back. Why would I quit my job because of the gender I work with?" he asked in disbelief.

"It's either your job or me." she said giving him what she thought was an ultimatum.

"My job." he said without hesitation.

"Are you kidding me?! You're going to put your job before me?!" she yelled at him.

"Yes. Your not acting like my girlfriend anymore. You're acting like I'm your way to stay rich and famous."

That was the day I packed up my things a left. That was last year and she hasn't left me alone since. Just recently, I told her to leave us alone. I don't think m she quit, but gave it a slight rest until the 'incident'.

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