( 𝟎𝟎𝟐 ) dark paradise

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... chapter two

through my skull, assaulting my senses as I struggle to maintain my balance.

"F-Fuck..." The curse escapes my lips in a sharp exhale, punctuated by the intensity of the pain coursing through my body.

"Save your energy, princess," his voice cuts through the chaos, firm and commanding. With his support, I manage to lower myself to the ground, every movement sending waves of agony rippling through me.

His touch is surprisingly gentle as he begins to assess the extent of my injury, his expression betraying nothing but a steely resolve.

I grit my teeth against the pain, a low growl escaping me as I fight to keep from succumbing to the darkness threatening to engulf me. Sensing my distress, he tightens his grip on my arm, a silent reassurance amidst the turmoil.

"Die on me, and I'll forever be known as the guy who killed his rookie on day one. We don't want that, right?" His attempt at humor falls flat in the face of my agony, but I muster a weak nod nonetheless.

"Right," I manage to choke out between labored breaths, each word a testament to my determination to survive despite the odds stacked against me.

His gaze flickers upwards, scanning the horizon for the approaching ambulances, and I can practically taste the tension thickening the air.

My eyelids droop heavily, succumbing to the overwhelming exhaustion that envelops me. Time seems to warp and stretch, moments elongating into eternity as the world blurs into a hazy whirlwind.

Abruptly, I find myself enveloped in the sterile confines of the ambulance, the wail of sirens piercing through the cacophony of noise. The city rushes past in a blur of lights and shadows, the urgency of our journey palpable in every jolt and sway.

I struggle to focus, my senses dulled by the throbbing ache that pulses through my body. Voices echo around me, a distant chorus of concern and urgency, yet their words dissolve into unintelligible murmurs that float aimlessly through my consciousness.

The world flickers back into focus with a jolt, and I find myself hurtling through the hospital doors on a gurney, the frantic blur of activity swirling around me. The antiseptic scent of the hospital floods my senses, mingling with the distant echo of urgent voices.

Faces loom over me, their features warped and unfamiliar in the harsh fluorescent light. I strain to make out familiar faces amidst the sea of strangers, but recognition eludes me like a fleeting dream.

A wave of exhaustion crashes over me, dragging me back into its murky depths with irresistible force. I surrender to its embrace, my body succumbing to its relentless pull, every muscle protesting in weary resignation.

𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 ∘ tim bradfordWhere stories live. Discover now