Jack: Four

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"How long?", he asked as he watched his 'candidates' trying to perform the gestures necessary to the study as fast as possible, the way he showed them earlier.

Santos snickered by his side. "27 minutes.".

Jack glanced at him and saw the man holding back a laugh. This was going to be a long day.

Of course he didn't expect to add anyone to the deck team right away. They'd get to practice on small sharks before they got to the real work. But he wouldn't let anyone come any closer to one outside the members of his crew unless they were up for it.

He clapped his hands and the men on the deck looked up at him.

"Congrats, everyone. We have a dead shark on the deck. At this rate, I hope you all like sushi because we're gonna eat some until we puke.", he commented dryly.

The men were disappointed and let go on the equipment but he could tell they were ready to try again.

At least, they were enthusiastic.

"Okay, listen up.". He walked to them and Santos got to the equipment, to put everything back into place.

"Don't think about the shark part now. Focus on your hands. On the task you were assigned. Practice every move, slow at first. Until it feels just as natural as jerking off. We only got to where we are now by practicing. Santos cut himself in the beginning. Jolene injected herself with shark blood after the shark we had that day bumped into her. I got bitten by the smallest great white we ever pulled up.", he snickered.

Santos snorted next to him. "That little bitch was vicious.", he explained, remembering that day. He could already tell the guys would want to hear that story at some point.

"You have to know I'm always the first to get my feet wet when we bring a shark in. I'm the one placing it on the deck, covering its eyes and putting the hose in. The deck team only joins me when I say so and I make sure it's safe. So you can focus on the job. But don't forget you'll get the chance to put your hands on big great sharks and these sharks are living creatures. Their life depends on us when we catch them. And we're here to preserve their species, not murdering them. At the end of the 15 minutes, I won't care who got to do what or not, you all get the hell off the deck and I help the shark out of the water. No do over, no extra time. That's why I need my deck team to stay sharp. No hangover, no shaky hands. We won't lose a shark under my watch and if we do, I'll replace them into the ocean by using your ass as bait.", he stated before noticing the cameraman who laid on the floor before him to film him from below.

He shook his head and chuckled. "Look. We have a volunteer to play the shark.", he joked before tossing the thick blanket he used to blind the sharks over the guy who cursed and...squealed in disgust.

"Easy there, Spielberg. Just don't throw yourself at my feet like that and next time, I won't drop fish guts on your face.", he warned before giving the signal for the candidates to start over.

"Hey, Jack, it was fun today. Thanks, man.", one of Jae's technicians smiled before patting Jack's shoulder and handing him a beer. Jack nodded at him and opened the can before noticing a young woman staring at him from the other side of the table. He had decided to take his lunch with the rest of the crew, more to get a feel of the ones who wanted to join the deck team outside practice. Skills were one thing, attitude was another. He liked to be the insufferable one but he was aware he couldn't afford another one like him on the team. Not that Jae would ever hire someone remotely like him anyway.

"You're Jae's right hand. Did he ask you to follow me and make sure I wasn't pissing in the corners?", he asked, grinning cheekily. She laughed and her laugh sounded a bit nervous and a tad embarrassed.

"I was just...trying to picture the two of you getting at it. I'm curious.", she retorted bluntly. It got him speechless for thirty seconds, a brand new personal record, and he laughed hard.

"Ha. Well, at least I don't have to wonder if someone knows about us anymore. Did he make you sign a piece of paper cursing you and your descendants for several generations if you tell anyone?".

She smiled but didn't answer. "You like to piss him off.", she continued instead.

"Is that because you know it turns him on? That would be wicked. And hot. And dangerous, "she added.

"Oh I know what this is.", he said after looking at her for a moment. "You're his Santos, huh? Remind me not to let the two of you alone in a room.".

She arched her brow. "Santos...That's the hot older guy? The one who stares at people like he could make panties drop with his mind power?", she grinned.

Jack guffawed and nodded. "You know what, scrap that. You two would get along just fine. Especially if you ask him about his panty dropping superpower. Who knows, maybe he's looking for Mrs Santos Number 4.".

He laughed again then spotted Bo behind the corner. Walking in that direction, he stopped by the next door and smiled. "I like her. I can see why you chose her.", he commented, knowing that Jae was probably waiting for him to leave before entering the break room.

"Nice to know it stills turns you on when I piss you off, Dr. Olson.", he continued with a snort before walking away, his beer in his hand. He needed some air and some peace before going back to practice.

"Will you join us for movie night?", Michele shouted behind him.

He held a thumb up from above his head as he kept walking, not looking back. He couldn't lay his eyes on Jae, not now.

Something bumped against his leg and he looked down, finding Bo staring at him and whining softly.

It made him sigh and he rolled his eyes. "Fine.".

Turning around, he looked at Jae. "Do you mind if he tags along with me this afternoon, Ô Mighty Doctor Jae? I'll be on the deck if you miss me...him too much.".

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