Jae: Five

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 Jack never ceased to amaze Jae, and watching him work was a thing of beauty. What most people didn't know was that he'd meticulously worked his technique, at the peril of life and limb, and in the process he'd saved the lives of so many sharks and changed the way people see them. Sure, Jack was an internet diva, a YouTube star, and he wasn't published in any reputable scientific journals, but his conservationist efforts were unparalleled, and this documentary of him was well deserved. The world needed to see how hard he worked.

That didn't mean Jae didn't think he was an egocentric ass with an attitude problem.

His wink made Jae roll his eyes, grumbling. "I'm not that easy anymore, Keller."

But he was because his heart stuttered as Jack stunted with the next shark, making it look even easier than the last.

"The man's certifiable. You know he's essentially using himself as bait, don't you?" Michele had a tootsie pop in her mouth, and she was scrutinizing Jack as he took the samples. "He's also aces with my samples. I mean, I need to get them to the lab to make sure, but I didn't see any problem with his technique."

She let that sit a moment, then looked up at Jae, who was busy staring as Jack wrangled the last shark onto the lift.

"How's his technique elsewhere? If he's all about perfection, I'm sure fucking him--or getting fucked by him, I'm not quite sure who pitches or catches--is a mind blowing experience."

Jae turned, stared at her, then just shook his head. "You're disturbed."

"No," she corrected, pointing at him with the lolly, "I'm inquisitive. It's different, believe me. Besides, I'm collecting data to prove a hypothesis."

"And what hypothesis is that?" Jae listened to the chatter on the radio, the captain making comments about the weather, an impending storm, but it was hours away.

"That' you're still in love with him."

Jae simply shrugged, the aviators over his eyes hiding the emotion behind that small movement. "You'll find no data to support your hypothesis. I'm not in love with him. Lust, there's some lingering attraction, but that's all. You know me. I've told you many times that we don't want the same things. I want a family someday. A home. Soccer and PTA and a business and reputation that lets me go when I want, not to make a living. Jack wants...that."

Jae sighed, watching how fulfilled he was doing what he loved. He'd never give it up, and truthfully, Jae didn't want to be the reason he did. He'd rather have Jack hate him for leaving than hate him for staying.

Michele walked away after Jae didn't keep the conversation going, skipping down to the deck and pilfering the samples from Jolene without the woman even noticing. That little kleptomaniac needed constant supervision, even if she was a genius.

Jae left the platform and walked into the pilothouse, stepping up to stand near the captain.

"So, how bad?"

The man, a hearty older gentleman who didn't really socialize, shrugged as he kept his eyes on the water. "We'll be fine, but it's gonna be rough seas for a while. You got people who hate the swaying, you better medicate them now. The crew will batten down the deck, but you need to make sure all your equipment is secure and your gear is in the hold. I'd say we'll hit this in the next two hours."

Jae nodded, getting on the radio. "We have two hours till we hit weather. My deck crew, secure the ROV and store any gear in the hold. Jack, your team needs to do the same. Fold up the lift platform and strap it up just incase. 10-4?"

A series of 10-4's echoed over the radio, and Jae doubted he'd hear Jack's.

He stared ahead at the clouds, gray and angry, a curtain of rain and lightning hiding the rest of their way through.

Instead of going to the galley for dinner, he swung by the kitchen and picked up a few three or four chicken salad sandwiches, some mango, and a few beers and took his dinner into the bridge, setting up right in front of the glass window to watch the impending storm. There was nothing more magnificent than weather like this on the open ocean. The waves were already starting to whip up, just as the sun was setting, and Jae was mesmerized.

The first lightning strike streaked across the sky, and Jae startled, but then laughed. He was perfectly safe on the ship, but still, nature was an unforgiving cunt at times, and he still had a healthy fear.

He hadn't forgotten what horrible things could happen out on the ocean.

Jae drew his legs up and lazily reclined them against an empty spot on the instrument panel and opened a bear, pocketing the cap and toasting the ocean.

"Fair winds and following seas." Jae took a long swig, sitting back to enjoy the show in peace. 

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