Jack: Ten

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He woke up early to be sure he'd hit the deck before anyone else. He liked having it for himself for a moment, with just the ocean as company. It helped him focus and get ready for the day. Today would be the first official work day of this expedition and he wanted it to go perfectly, as a good omen to the rest of their days here.

"Hey. Let's go get some coffee at the cafeteria.", Santos suggested behind him. Jack sighed and chuckled. Well, at least he got ten minutes to himself. He could only hope that wasn't a sign of how busy he'd be for 100 days. A voice in the back of his head pointed out that it wouldn't be a bad thing but he decided to ignore it.

"I'm good. Already had one. This cabin has its own kitchenette, I feel like The King of the Ocean.", he snorted.

"I insist.", Santos added. "There's something I think you should see.".

Jack rolled his eyes, recognizing Santos's bossy tone. When he used it, you knew you'd end up doing as he said, no matter how stubborn you were.

"What? Did they name cupcakes after me? It's not my birthday yet and I do hope no one found the birthday cake I know Jolene hid in the main fridge since she knows it's in a week. I wouldn't be a happy fisherman if someone stole my...", he began but Santos interrupted him by motioning him to follow.

Jack muttered something about old guys getting demanding but he followed. He could use another coffee. After all, the day would be long.

They walked in and Santos turned around to stop Jack where he was.

"Corner table, east side.", he said, keeping his voice low.

Jack narrowed his eyes but looked at that table. Jae was sitting with Finn, the camera boy, one who seemed so eager to join his team and who didn't fail to mention he was gay as if it could play in his favor.

They were obviously having a good time seeing how Jae was smiling.

Jack clenched his jaw briefly before snatching his eyes from that table and looking back at Santos.

"So? Is that what you wanted me to see? Jae flirting with someone else? Give me a fucking break.", he growled, a bit louder than he expected.

Jolene and Michele who were apparently taking breakfast together got up to walk in their direction and he held his hands up.

"Nope. Not going there. Just leave me the fuck alone, I have work to do.", he told them before walking out of the cafeteria.

A few men were already waiting for him next to the platform and he saluted them before putting them to work right away. Santos and Jolene, followed a little later by a Billy who looked like he just woke up, arrived and Jack only addressed him for a moment.

It looked like Billy was the only one not trying to work on his nerves lately and that needed to be rewarded.

"Hey, Mr Keller. Good morning!", Jeff, the head of the documentary team said. Jack shook his hand and agreed on describing how the platform worked for the camera.

It was time to focus on being professional and all he wanted was to do that and only that.

"Could you tell us where your passion for sharks comes from? Since the rest of the crew is not here yet?", Jeff asked.

Jack had given the list of the potential members of the team last night to Jolene and let her tell the crew after dinner last night. Most of them still had to show up.

Jack nodded and leaned against the railing as he spoke.

"My father was a crab fisherman, captain of his own boat. That meant we didn't get to have him at home very often and my mother was worried about him 10 months out of 12 but for me, he was some kind of hero, you know, defying the sea. In my imagination, the crabs were as big as his boat and I'm pretty sure I used to think he had to wrestle them one by one.", he chuckled. "I was allowed on the boat only when it was in the haven. Before they left or after they came back and were working on it or cleaning it. The sea is not a place for a child and many fishermen believe it's not meant for men either. But you do what you have to do to earn a living. I didn't like it, not being allowed to join them. I wanted to be a fisherman too. One day, during the Summer of my 12th birthday, I decided I knew better and I hid on the boat just before my father arrived. By the time my mother figured I wasn't in my bed anymore and called my dad, we were already on the open sea and it would have cost him a lot to turn around and bring me back. He was pissed but ... I could tell he was proud. After yelling at me just long enough so he could tell my mom I got the message, he put me to work, giving me easy tasks and sending me inside every time the sea got too rocky. All the men on board knew me since I was a baby and I knew they'd all keep me safe. But things didn't go as planned, "he told. He paused to look around and saw that the crew was here, joined by other people, all listening to him.

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