Chapter 5

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I had to slip into my grandma's room after my mother went to bed. She was waiting for me in her chair by the window, tucked under a wool blanket, her braid draped over her shoulder, shining in the moonlight.

"Are you ready to listen?" she asked, placing her book down on her oak side table.

"Definitely." I reply, sitting on the edge of her bed, tucking my legs underneath me.

"Let me start by saying, your father didn't keep this from you to be mean. He was trying to protect you. And your mother has a spell on her to forget. It was the only way for you to be safe after your father disappeared." She says, leaning towards me. "I hear you went through your mirror?"

"How did you know?"

"I heard the buzz of the magic when you slipped through. We used to live in the fae realm. Your Grandfather, Father and I, but after your grandfather died, I couldn't stay. We needed a fresh start, with less magic."

"Less magic?" my brow furrowed in confusion.

"There is less magic in this realm, meaning in my grief I had more control. We always planned on returning, until your father met your mother. Humans cannot cross into the Fae realm. Your Father chose to stay with your mother. Without him, there was no reason for me to return." she smiled. "Where did you go? When you went through the mirror, I mean."

"Finn's Castle." I replied awkwardly.

"Interesting. So, you saw the other realm for yourself?" she asked moving to sit next to me on the bed, laying the blanket over both of our laps, a gripped the edges, running my thumps over the soft material.

"Just the Castle. Eva, Rose, Hali and Rowan were there. I wasn't there long. Why do you have the mirror?"

"I used to work for the palace as a healer, so when I moved to this realm, I took it with me and used it to collect herbs and ingredients I wouldn't find here. Your Father used it then when he became the Seer. He was a powerful man. The same gift you have, but I'm sensing not the only gift." She says, placing her hand on mine. "Funny how you ended up friends with a group of Fae. Though I haven't heard of a couple of them. I'll have to find out who their parent are." She ponders to herself. She shakes herself out of her thought and looks me over. "The ties of fate are pulling you hard, I see." Her hand settling on my shoulder.

"Do you know what magic I have?" I ask, almost a whisper. Her hand smooths across my hair as she begins to calm the fly aways, before resting her hand on my shoulder again.

"No, but that will all come with time. Tomorrow, I will teach you some beginner potions and we can make a start on your learning. But for now, you need your rest, you have gained much knowledge today, my dear, and that can take its toll on anyone." She places her hand on my forehead, a warm sensation filling me, making my limbs feel heavy with fatigue, my mind clearing. "There. That should help. Hopefully you won't have any visions tonight." My eyes feel heavier as a yawn takes control. Gran nudges me to head for the door, before I leave, I turn to look at her once more.

"Gran, I feel terrible that I never believed you. You let everyone think you were crazy."

"All the best of us are, dear." She says, paraphrasing Alice in Wonderland, a book she used to read to me before bed. "Now, goodnight." Placing a soft kiss on my brow.

She was right. I slept like a log. As my eyelids slide open, I startle at the sight of Toby, lying down next to me, staring like a creeper.

"Really?! You're freaking me out." I state and as if understanding, he gets up and walks downstairs. My ears twitch when I catch a faint humming sound irritating my eardrums. sliding off the bed, I search for the sound, following the noise, swinging my head from side to side, listening for its origin. I end up facing the mirror once more. It has never hummed before. Well, not that I have noticed.

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