Chapter 15

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"Happy Birthday Thea!" My mother says rushing into the room. I smile at her as she sits on the edge of my bed and hands me a present.

"Thanks Mum." I smile and begin to unwrap the present as Gran, makes her way upstairs. Slower than usual for my mother's benefit. I rub the layers of sleep from my eyes. For a girl who slept for two days, I feel exhausted. Hali left and went to check on Finn. I haven't heard back from her since, which scares me more than I care to think about. My Gran gives me a brave face, joining my mother on the end of my bed.

"I'm sorry I haven't been here lately. The job has really pulled me under, and when I get home your either at Hali's or already asleep. She gives me a weak smile.

"Sorry Mum." She swats away my apology.

"Don't apologise. I'm so glad you have found some friends and it's not like I'm here most of the time anyway." She smiles again, pushing stray hairs from her powdered cheeks.

I finish unwrapping the present to reveal a gorgeous silver dress. A modest V-neck with loose shoulder capped sleeves. As I lift it out of the box, I can see that it's a wrap dress, the skirt is loose fitted and comes to around mid-calf.

"Gran mentioned attending a wedding today. I thought you might need a new dress for the occasion." Her sweet gesture constricts my heart, and it takes everything in me not to cry.

"Thank you, Mum, I love it." I smile and hug her tight.

"Mine next, my grandmother says and hands me a box a similar size to the one my mother gave me." As I open it up, I see a long white cloak, that sparkles in the sunlight. "It was mine. I thought you could bring it with you in case you get cold." She winks at me.

"Cold? It's July!" My Mother laughs.

"Still, it is an outdoor wedding." My Gran says moving back to the staircase. "I'm going to start your special pancake breakfast." She nods.

"Thank you, this will go lovely with my dress." I smile.

"You had best start getting ready, I will bring your pancakes up to you in around 20 minutes." She smiles before heading downstairs. As she opened the door at the bottom, I hear the clatter of claws as Toby bounds up the stairs and straight onto the bed, waggling his butt for affection. I quickly oblige.

"Are you looking forward to the wedding?" My Mother asks. I can't blame her. She knows nothing.

"Yes, it should be lovely." I feel myself smile but it doesn't reach my eyes.

"How did you get an invite?"

"It's a family friend of Hali's. I'm her plus one." My Mum nods once in understanding.

"Well, I hope you have a great day. I'm going to be heading into the office this morning, so hopefully I will see you when I get home?"

"I'm not sure. I might be staying at Hali's; in case we get back to late."

"Of course. I will se you tomorrow then." She makes her way across the room, before turning again. "How about next Saturday we spend the day together? We can do whatever you want?"

"That would be great, Mum." I smile and she returns with her very own, before she leaves the room.

The day I have dreaded most has finally arrived. I get up, starting to get ready for the mayhem that is about to unravel. The fact that Hali didn't comes back, leads me to believe she is under the control of Brighid now, too. Just like my dream showed me she would be. If anything happens today, I want to make sure everyone I love is safe. Away from the tyranny of Brighid's rein. I pray, everyone will come out of this unscathed, that Finn won't marry her and maybe we can save my Father. All wishful thinking but I must stay positive.

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