candy challenge (requested)

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"Are you ready, my love?" You asked Karina as you pulled out the blindfold.

"I'm ready." She said and you caught the light gleam in her eyes when she said that.

"Can you move your hair a little? I don't want to get it caught in the blindfold if I can help it."

She nodded and gathered her hair in her hand before you put the blindfold over her eyes.

She let her hair go as you tied it and made sure it was secure.

"You can't see anything, right?" You checked.

"Nope, not a single thing." She confirmed.

"Good. Okay, let's start the challenge then. You remember how it works?"

"Yes. You eat candy and kiss me a bunch." She grinned, her eyebrows raising playfully.

"Basically but you forgot a very important part of it which is that you have to try and guess what candy it is that I ate." You reminded her, giggling.

"Oh, right. Sorry, I was just thinking of you kissing me. That's the only part I can think of."

"Well, for you to win this challenge you have to remember every part of it." You laughed and playfully elbowed her side, making her giggle too. "Okay, I'm going to open the first candy. Ready?"

"I'm ready, pretty girl."

You opened the wrapper of the first candy and put it in your mouth before chewing it for a few seconds and swallowing it.

You then leaned in and put your lips on Karina's, allowing her to taste the sweet taste that lingered on your lips.

"That tastes very sweet. I'm going to say... Milky Way."

"Correct!" You said before kissing her cheek, making her lips pull into another big smile. "Now for the second candy."

You opened the next one and Karina waited a few seconds before your lips hit hers once more.

"Oh, that was unexpected. Very different from the Milky Way." She said before brushing her tongue across your lips, soaking in the flavor a little more. "Smarties."

"Correct again. Wow, baby, I'm impressed."

"Thank you." She smirked.

"Next one coming up." You said.

Karina waited impatiently, so ready to feel your lips on hers again.

Honestly, she wasn't super into the challenge itself but the thought of being able to taste your lips and having so many excuses to kiss you is what made her immediately agree to do it.

She's a little antsy though, wanting to feel your lips on hers every second of every minute.

She hummed against your lips when you kissed her again and she wrapped her arms around you to pull you closer.

"Baby, guess the candy." You giggled against her lips.

"Alright, alright." She laughed. "This is definitely Kit Kats."


"Good. Three for three. I deserve many long, passionate kisses as a reward, don't you agree?" She mumbled as she slipped her hand under your shirt, fingertips dancing along your spine.

"We still have two to go."

She groaned as you pulled away.

"Later." She said as she pulled you onto her lap, her lips brushing against your neck.

"Babe, you said you'd do this with me." You pouted slightly.

"I know and I promise we'll finish it later. Truly, we will." She said before pushing all the candy off the bed and pulling her blindfold off.

She smirked as she laid you down and put her lips on yours, stealing deep but loving kisses from you.

"But I need to kiss you, baby. I can't resist." She whispered against your lips. "I just love you so much. Your lips always taste so sweet but now that you ate that candy, you taste even sweeter and I just can't get enough."

You smiled and wrapped your arms around her neck, wanting to keep her as close to you as she could get.

"Well, how can I say no to that?" You mumbled against her lips, melting into her.

And she just smiled softly as her lips continued to move against yours, wanting to stay just like this with you forever.

Karina Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now