Chapter 3

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Yunjin woke up on the couch the time was 8:05 AM her phone had fallen on her face when she dosed off without even noticing.

She did her morning routine,got out her laptop,finished her work.It was now 10:36 AM and Yunjin had nothing to do since she just finished editing and posting all the photos she took last week.

Im kinda hungry I think I'm gonna get some lunch.

I got into my car and started it the place was 8 minutes away from my apartment but it was worth it I'm going to Dans cafe my favorite place to eat,they have such good coffee I'm a coffee typa person btw other than coffee they have good food.

I finally arrived a few minutes later , the place was always empty as usual since Dans cafe isn't very popular since it's from back then.

I went to go sit down until the waiter came "hello ma'am! are u ready to order?" I looked back at the menu "yes um Just the usual and a black coffee" the waiter spoke up again "alright coming right up!" I went on my phone for a while.

It was now 11:15 AM, After awhile of browsing through my social media accounts,I heard the door open,I looked up behind me and saw a familiar woman she swore she saw her yesterday,until she recognized who it was it was the pilot.


I woke up at 6:50 AM it's the time I'm always used to waking up at,I did my morning routine then I decided to just relax and watch tv because today is my day off.I then finished some papers for my boss memory's from last night came rushing back to me.

About Beomgyu and that girl I think her name was Yunjin.She was really pretty she had these gorgeous brown eyes,pretty pink lips,a birth mark on her nose and one on the side of her chin,she had long orange hair,she was really pretty and tall.But chances of running into her were very little.

To be honest I would date her but I don't want a relationship right now it feels like to much pressure with work and stuff so I'll just keep that to the side.

It was now 10:55 AM, so I decided to go to my favorite cafe for lunch Dans cafe it was only 8 minutes away from here and I also need to wake myself up with some coffee tho I'm not really much of a coffee person.

I got dressed but then I remembered Eunchae is still asleep,Eunchae is my younger sister she is 18 when I moved out she came with me,Me and her are very close she knows every one of my secrets she is my best friend and sister I love her so much but she is very tall she is like 1 foot taller than me and she's really cute and kind.She deserves the world I don't know what I would do without her.

I decided to wake her her up and take her with me since I wanna hangout with her, once I woke her up she said "where am I?" I chuckled "ur in ur room sleepyhead now get up and get dressed we're gonna go get lunch and hangout together." She opened her eyes with a smile "ok I won't take long!" I smiled and walked out of her room.

After 5 minutes, we got downstairs and left the apartment we got there at 11:14 AM,we settled down and started looking at the menu,but I felt like someone was looking at me.

The waiter came and took our orders "hello lady's what can I get for u!" Eunchae ordered first "can I get a omelet and orange juice please" the waiter said "of course" then looked at me "and what would u like ma'am?"I was spacing out until Eunchae nudged me "oh! I'm so sorry,I'd like a California roll and a coffee please" the waiter said "yes of course coming right up!".

When the waiter left I looked behind her and saw a familiar girl she was tall and had orange long hair,that's when I realized it Yunjin.

I was so shy but also shocked I turned around and acted normal but Eunchae could spot any emotion in me within seconds "what's up with u? U look like u just saw a ghost" I replied a few seconds later "I'm sorry I just saw someone
From last night,but let's talk about something else" I was so embarrassed.

" I know that look,that's the look of 'oh I just saw someone gorgeous' " well damn Eunchae knows me way to well "I-I-uhm...well UGHHH ok u know me to well" Eunchae smirked because she knew she was right "know who is the special someone?" She was so curious.

"That girl across from us the ginger." Eunchae looked but looked back at me fast "SHE WAS GRINNING AT YOU!!" Eunchae whisper screamed,my jaw dropped I was trying not to look but I couldn't control it.

I looked over and she was grinning but she her face around and looked back at her phone I could see how red she was from here it was kinda funny but I turned back around I didn't realize I was smiling the whole time.

Eunchae was smirking again "well looks like you hit yourself a jackpot you should ask for her number atleast get to know her before she gets occupied by someone else." Eunchae was right but I was to shy and I didn't want a relationship
"But I don't want a relationship and it's kinda awkward to go and ask for her number" Eunchae looked confused "THE HELL! you better get up and go ask for her number at least become friends!"ok now she actually has a point "well-u-I-ok You have a point."I saw Eunchae smile as she encouraged me to go ask her.

But before I could I went to the bathroom first to calm myself down."your ok Chaewon,your ok" I whispered to myself but I heard the door open It startled me a but,I turned around and didn't expect it to be Yunjin.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐙حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن