chapter two

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"CLIFFORD," I nearly slap the pizza out of his hand. In defense, he snarled at me. I picked up the slice, which had fallen onto the tray beneath, I took a satisfying bite. Michael stared at me. "I told you I wanted that piece," I udder and nodd my head, but keep my gaze upon my food.

Michael pointed to the pizza that was between us. "There is a whole half of a pizza, RIGHT THERE."

"Michael," I glance up from my slice and stare in his eyes. With a raise of my eyebrow and our eyes interlocked, I calmly added. "You are yelling," I chuckled and take a bite out of the crust.

My laughter was soon ended, when our, somewhat cute, waiter approached us. We wore a red shirt under his apron, which seemed two sizes too tight. I wasn't complaining, I could clearly see his muscles bulge as he lifted his arm to fix his hair. He gave us a smile and I set my pizza down and grabbed my napkin. "How are you guys doing? Everything okay?" His raspy voice corresponded with the bags under his eye, but yet he smiled and turned his eyes toward me.

I wiped some pizza sauce off my bottom lip, and smiled back. Even though, I clearly heard him, I didn't respond. Probably because I was sucked into his eyes. Michael slightly kicked my shin, I whinced and flashed my head toward him. "What was that for." I whispered- shout. He tilted his head toward the waiter who was still standing near our table. I took a quick look at Michael and then to the waiter. I quickly thought of something to say before I could embarrass myself. "Oh- yeah. Yeah! Everything is great, just great. Everything okay with you? How are you?"

"I'm good," the boy hesitate. As he turned around his face went sore. I watched as he briskly walked toward the back kitchen. I felt my blush fill with color, before Michael could see I slam my head against the table. Michael sighs, as I heard him move in his seat.

"You are a hopeless romantic," He slightly commented. I lifted my head in respond and gave him a confusing look.

"I'm just not ready," I argue.

"And that means you can't just flirt with people, you don't have to be in a relationship," he adds as he slouched in his chair and crossed his arms. I straightened my back and low my eyes down to my lap. "I know your parents had a bad relationship, Ashton."

My eyes shot up and my jaw lowered, in shock, "I don't want to talk about that." I squeeze my eyes shut and low my head, as I shake the thoughts out of my mind.

Despite my intentions to end the conversation, Michael continued, "but, that doesn't mean you are bad at relationships. They just weren't meant for each other."

I squeezed my eyes tighter as I felt them burning through my eye lids.

"Ashton, look at me." I shook my head in response. He calmly, but fimly added, "please look at me."

I opened my eyes and tried to blink the pool of water out of my eyes. I lifted my chin higher and expected the worst. I sniffled, "What?"

"I'm sorry, Ashton, but you need to know that you are nothing like your father."

"WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO," I realized I was shouting and lowered my voice. "What does that have to do with anything."

"Ashton, you don't have to keep pushing other people away because he pushed you away."

"Just shut up." I mumble as release a tear that emerged from my, now, watery eyes, "that's not why I don't want to be in a relationship. God, you just don't get it."

Michael leaned forward, across the table, "then tell me."

My uncomfortable manner showed through movements, as I fegit and fall in my chair slightly.

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