chapter three

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"Come on, man. Just skip," Michael tried to persuade me to skip first block, but he wasn't even close to convincing me it was okay. I swiftly turned around and slammed my locker, as I tried to avoid eye contact with Michael. With no notice, he ran in front of me and block my way down the hallway. I stopped quickly in my heels as I tried my hardest not to ram into Michael. He shrugged and exclaimed, "Just hear me out."

"No, Michael." I crossed my arms and waited for him to move, "I'm not going. We have a quiz anyways."

"Oh come on. Let's just skip first block and get some Joe at McDonald's. We would be back for second period, don't worry."

I swung my backpack over my shoulder once again, after it seamlessly fell off. Our shoulders slightly brushed against each other as I stepped around him. "I don't want coffee. Now come on, I don't want to be late again. She got pissed yesterday, remember," I rush up the stair as Michael shurges slowly behind.

I pulled out my phone and checked my notifications, I continued to look down upon my phone as I entered the classroom.

"Well, hello! Nice surprise to see you on time, Mr. Irwin," My chemistry teacher spun around. Her finger nails hit the front desk, making a loud click, as she threw her hands against the wood.

"Uh hey, Mrs. Anderson," I slightly jumped and threw my phone against the side of my pant leg. I broke our awkward eye contact, before rushing my eyes to my desk and making a run for the chair.

Michael eventually came through the door, ignoring the teacher and passing through the class to his chair. He slammed himself into the desk behind me and let out a huff. I could almost feel his eyes staring at the back of my head as I awkwardly straighten myself against the back of the chair.

After the bell soon rang, students pilled into the classroom as Mrs. Anderson wrote some vocabulary words onto the white board. They might have been important for the quiz, but I began to space out after she went to explain each word that where among the board.

My mind floated off into my thoughts as I examined the room. My eyes landed onto a girl who wore a bright pink shirt that was a size too small, with heels that seemed very uncomfortable.

Aleisha McDonald...

She always seemed like a nice girl, beside the fact her and Luke Hemmings dated in 7th grade. They broke up that year; but from all the rumors I heard, they had sex right after the formal dance.

My thoughts were interrupted by the clicking heels of my teacher walking up and down the aisles passing out papers. Her nasty look on her face, made me uneasy when he placed the paper onto my desk. She paused and left her hand on my desk for a moment before resuming her normal route around the room.

I fliped the paper around quickly read the title.

'Unit 6 quiz

Shit... I never studied or even payed attention. My mini panic attack was simply short as I realized I may have not been completely fucked. I flash my head toward the front board, hoping the vocab words would still be written on the board.

Shit... She must've erased the word, since not even a trace of help was left on the board.

I stare at the paper and then around the room. Almost everyone had already begun the quiz, but I haven't even touched my pencil.

My pencil?! Where is it anyways?

I shrug and figure I may have left it in my bag. Rummaging through my binders and other seemingly useless paper, I was left empty handed. I panic slightly and look along the titles, hoping someone may have drop one or forgotten a pencil. Nothing seemed worth picking up, except a half, broke pencil that wasn't even sharpened.

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