|| Chapter 4: House of Horrors ||

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(Y/N) stood outside of Mimzy's bar, she was leaned against the wall of it. Her fingers tapping along the bricks. She was currently waiting for Alastor show up and while she may have invited him out, she had no clue where the theater actually was. As for the majority of her month here it was either working at the bar, going to library, and endless studying like she would have done back home. As long as you take away the working part.

She looked up at the sky, it was darker out. Alastor insisted that they watched the latest showing as it makes it far more entertaining. She only agreed because she needed this moment to try and get closer to him. There were just some things about Alastor she didn't know, even with her huge advantage of being from the another world where he was merely just character in a show.

Finally she saw him walking towards her, she was caught off guard by the fact he seemed more dressed up than usual. Her eyes widen slightly as her heart fluttered in her chest, she cursed under her breathe. She hated just how easily she could fold just by looking at him. She couldn't imagine how she would act if she could see his demon form. She cleared her throat and met him halfway.

"I was beginning to think you changed your mind." She said stopping in front of him. He smiled down at her, the same usual smile he always had.

"My dear, I was going to see this film with or without you!" He said casually, before holding out his arm. "Come along now, we must be going."

She slowly looped her arm with his, letting herself be pulled along beside him. Her eyes scanned the street once more, since her month here she noticed more and more other townsfolk were beginning to lose their jobs and become homeless. She frowned at the sight of it, guilt making its way into her heart. The quicker she can go home the quicker someone would have a chance to have her job and possible her closet room. Unless Mimzy refused to let anyone else use it.

Alastor noticed her frown, the way her eyes remained glued to the less fortunate souls around them. It was intriguing to see, while himself cared very little about others. She cared too deeply for them. She was so trusting but filled with secrets. Her bulletin board was one of secrets, he couldn't shake off how quick she was to hide it once he saw it. He saw how she some notes connecting to some other amount of papers but that was all before she pushed him out her room and closed her door.

She could be onto him.

That thought didn't set right with him, while he rarely killed souls he believed don't deserve death. He was not above killing one just to save his name, he couldn't afford being caught. He glanced down at her once more. Her bulletin board could be connected to him and his murders.

He couldn't have that happen.

"It's an unfortunate sight is it not?" He said suddenly, catching (Y/N) off guard. She looked up at him, one brow raised. She would have expected him to laugh or even smile at those around them. But he seemed indifferent or distant.

"Yes it is. I hope everything gets better." She replied back but her eyes remained glued to the ground. She knew it eventually would get better but not anytime soon. As they had another ten years of this experience and live through.

She bit the inside of her cheek at that thought, another reason she needs to return home. She was lucky enough she ran into Alastor or she'd be lost like those around them.

"You shouldn't worry about the souls you can not help dear." He spoke, it seemed as if he was trying to comfort her. Which caught her off guard once more. She gave him a confused look. His smile widened, "what is it, my dear?"

"I think that's the nicest thing you've come close to saying."

"I think not."

"Uh.. yeah I think so!" She mocked, a smile appearing on her face once more. His eyes glanced at it and then immediately went back to looking ahead.

He enjoyed just how easily he could influence her mood with just merely his presence or a few words.

"Here we are." He stated stopping in front of a very old looking theater. Her eyes scanned the brick building, the simple designs along side it. The board above their head that had the showings of each show on it. It was honestly nice to see compared to what she was used to. She found herself getting excited.

"Well what we are waiting for!" She said happily tugging on his arm as she lead them forward. His eyes widen slightly at the sudden change and grip on his arm before they returned to normal. She walked towards the booth when a very young looking man sat, a frown present on his face. He had blonde hair, a pair of mismatching eyes.

"What can I do for you sir?" The boy addressed only Alastor completely ignoring (Y/N). She blinked, her lips parted slightly but she then hit her tongue. Reminding herself this was just how things were for their time, that it was nothing she could change but rather only adapt to handle it. Her eyes glanced to his name tag reading the name 'Anthony' on it. She froze then.

Anthony. There's no way it could be the same Anthony who becomes Angel Dust when he dies right?

"Ya missus has a staring problem." Anthony said, his accent sharp. Alastor only nodded, handing Anthony 50 cents for their tickets.

"She isn't very ladylike, so I must apologize for it."

Anthony only nodded, taking the money and then slipping them the tickets. Alastor then pulled their looped arms inside, guiding a rather shocked (Y/N) beside him. It only clicked in her head about what Alastor said once they had sat down.

"Not lady like?? You-" she wanted to yell at him, one moment he seemed nice and the nice he was causally making rude comments. However she was cut short as he shushed her, the lights beginning to dim outside of the stage began to dim and only a few remained on. Each lighting up the stage. Music invaded her senses as she shifted her attention from Alastor to the stage.

The movie wasn't anything she expected it to be, the beginning of the show had a like of talk and dialogue. It helped build the suspense until all characters stopped talking and you were only able to hear sound effects. Which was the must both terrifying and hilarious. 

Alastor kept his attention on the stage but would occasionally glance at the girl beside him. Seeing her reaction to certain jokes, sounds and whatever else was happening. What (Y/N) didn't know was that Alastor had already seen this show. He merely agreed to figure out if she was truly a threat to him or not. While his mind was still curious about her bulletin board, he decided that for someone to wear her emotions on her sleeve, she wouldn't be able to hide if she knew he was the serial killer. Even if she did, he could be rid of her easily. She was just another source of entertainment.

Yes. She was just entertainment, the kind he would dispose of the moment she was too close to discovering him or when he grew bored.

He smiled at that thought, shift his gaze to ended performance of the show. He knew how easily he could talk her life if she proved to be a more a liability. 

Her life was in his hands.

He knew this and she secretly did too, she was prey next to a predator. No matter how nice she acted or what secrets she kept. He would discover them piece by piece. How he would start?

With the very bulletin board in her room.

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