|| Chapter 20: Doubt ||

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The tension in the room was thick. (Y/N) looked between James and Alastor, a frown finding its way onto her lips as she noticed the red glow seeming to appear in Alastor's eyes. She grabbed his arm, he glanced at her, and she shook her head. Alastor merely scuffed, pulling his arm away from her grasp and stepping closer to James, putting himself further between the two. 

"I believe I am waiting on that story." Alastor smiled, releasing Jame's wrist to allow him to chance to step away or closer, whatever he may chose. 

James hummed, rubbing his wrist. He never did like dealing with Alastor, after all the radio host was never an easy card to read. However, the doll he kept on his arm was like a book. One capable of magic with it. His glanced behind Alastor, which earned a chuckle from the radio host. 

"I suggest you start speaking and look away from her." Alastor warned, before he continued speaking. "Darling, you should take the rest of the guests here and leave." 

"What? Al-" (Y/N)'s protest was cut off, as Alastor shot her a glare. Her words falling flat, and she tensed up. The murderous look in his eyes, the coldness was a huge difference to how strangely sweet he was earlier. After all this was how the radio host was supposed to be, a permeant mask around every. 

She looked away, "Okay..." She nodded, wanting to avoid his eyes when they glowed like that and to avoid James while she still could. She hurried away and somehow convinced the weeping fans to leave with her, promising to tell them personal stories of Mimzy if they came with her. Which gathered them up easily and the door clicked shut behind them. 

"Tell me how a bastard like you ended up with a doll like her?" James asked, a brow raising as his arms crossed over his chest. Bill shifted behind his boss uncomfortably. 

Alastor only smiled, not wanting to entertain his silly game much longer. "I believe I asked a question." He stated, his arms crossed behind his back. He was sure how James met (Y/N), but she left out details a fact Alastor knew but refused to press further on the matter.

"It's simple really, I went to collect Mimzy and the doll ended up involved thinks to our dead little dancer. I had my fun, took care of... well I'm sure you know." He smiled brightly as he gestured to the funeral decorations around the room. The dark colors, Mimzy's favorite flowers. 

"Cut to the chase. My patience is running thin for a man who attacked two women the moment they were alone." He growled out, his hands balling into a fist. The shadows behind James began to shift. 

"Taking a life was simple, I was fully prepared to take the doll's life too. However, her body begin shifting! Little brat is a witch." He laughed recalling how her body glitched, how she trapped his leg in her weird magic. 

Alastor paused; he wasn't aware of this part of the story. 

(Y/N) and magic... That was unheard of. Afterall the only magic he was aware of was his voodoo. 

"Ha! So, we resort to lies now? You truly are pitiful." Alastor smiled, not wanting to believe a single word leaving James lips. It was impossible for (Y/N) to possess any sort of magic, she didn't part take in his way of life. She was a pure soul, which is why he was drawn to her. Afterall, it wasn't everyday a monster could have a beauty. 

"I have no reason to lie." James put his hand on his chest, acting offended by Alastor's comment. "Come now, has that even been honest from the start?" 

Alastor opened his mouth to reply but fell silent. (Y/N) had always seemed secretive and strange, but he assumed it was due to her discovery about him. His smile twitched.

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