Joe's Cafe

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January 20, 1971

Wednesday afternoon arrived slower than either of them wanted it to. Both quickly tied up their loose ends before embarking towards Joe's Cafe, a Mediterranean spot located at the corner of Brixton and Morwll in Lambeth. A short walk for both of them from their respective schools.

Jane was the first to arrive, a bit more effort was put into her outfit this morning, obviously for no special reason. She stood outside of the cafe, looking around before glancing down at her watch,


Brian wasn't the type to stand someone up without notifying them beforehand that he couldn't make it. He was usually punctual so she started to worry a bit, but her worry subsided as she noticed a tall young man with a mass of curls walking towards her.

What a sight..

She shook the thought from her mind and smiled more as the distance between them became less and less.

"Hi.." He spoke first, smiling at her, his canines peeking out from under his upper lip.

"Hey there."

And thus begun one of the most painful greetings I've ever witnessed. Jane reached out her arms to hug him but when she noticed he didn't reciprocate the gesture, she brought her arms back down. As soon as she started to bring her arms to her side, he reached his own arms out. They both awkwardly chuckled and exchanged apologies before finally coordinating their movements and taking each other into a friendly and polite embrace. Y'know the kind where you lean over to hug the other person, allowing lots of room between the lower half of your bodies.

As they entered the cafe, he held the door open for her and they approached the front counter. The young man behind the counter was reading today's issue of the Times, chewing on the end of his pencil as he tried his damndest to complete today's crossword. Based on the amount of rubber shavings littered across the page, he wasn't having the best luck today.

They both stood a few steps away from the register, observing the menu displayed on the wall behind the crossword wizard. Brian ordered a salad with chickpeas and for Jane, a chicken wrap.

"Are you paying separately or together?" The cashier asked, looking between both of them. Jane opened her mouth, 'separately' on the cusp of vibrating her vocal cords.


She eyed Brian, "No, I can pay for my own meal." As much as she didn't want to, she smiled.

Her turned his head to look at her, "I insist, and don't start. I know you're going to try and get the last word in." He smirked before handing a few notes to the young man behind the counter, who promptly handed Brian his change along with a number for the table.

Brian and Jane sat down, he placed their number into the wire placeholder.

He rested his arms on the table, clasping his hands, "I know we did more reminiscing than talking on Friday so tell me what I've missed out on over the last eight years."

She chuckled and glanced at her watch, "We only have a little less than an hour but I'll try and give you the gist. After secondary school, I attended King's College and of course, I got my degree in English. When I realized that maybe I wouldn't make it as a novelist, I got my QTS and began teaching. I'm in the middle of my second year right now." She set her arms on the table across from his, glancing down to notice how close their hands were. She thought how easy it would be to reach out and hold his hand at this moment.

"I never really knew what you were going to end up doing career wise, I know you liked writing but every week you would come up to me and tell me your new dream career." He smiled warmly at her.

"I became stuck in my ways, I wanted to be the next Virginia Woolf, remember? I teach a creative writing elective and it's my favorite class of the day."

"I'm sure your students love you, you were always been so passionate about writing. I still think you'd be a great novelist, you've always had a way with words."

Jane wasn't able to properly reply as their server came by to bring their drinks, she wasn't sure if he was flirting with her or if he genuinely meant it as a compliment.

"What about you? I know you're doing your PhD but what else have you been up to?" She removed the paper wrapper from her straw and let it fall into her red plastic cup.

"My dad and I finished up my guitar, I started a band. Coincidentally, that band was called 1984." She couldn't help but be amused by that, "I went to Imperial, where I studied physics. I graduated from Imperial, started another band and that's how I met Roger. That band fell apart, then we met Fred and started Queen.. I guess that's a good summary over the last eight years, the high points at least."

She could listen to him talk for hours, if she had to describe his voice it was like getting under a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer after a cold day.

"Maybe you could come over on Friday after school so we can have a proper catch up." She didn't necessarily think before she said that but she was glad she didn't listen to the voice of reason for once.

"Yeah, that'd be great. I saw some of your trinkets from the different places you've been to, I'd like to hear more about those."

Their food arrived soon enough and they ate in silence, it was a comfortable silence though. They used to do the same thing during their younger days, sitting in his bedroom, listening to music and doing their homework or reading books. There was never an awkward silence, it made them both feel completely at ease knowing there was another beating heart in the room with them.

After Jane finished her wrap, she glanced down at her watch,


She knew both of them would have to return to get ready for the rest of their day.

"Maybe we should get back." He remarked as he finished his salad.

Jane sighed, not wanting to leave, "Yeah, we should."

"I don't want to leave either." That warmed her heart more than she thought it would.

"You always know the right words to brighten a girls day." She leaned forward a little.

"Just yours.." He smiled.

As they both got up, he held the door open for her and started walking alongside her.

"Aren't you going back to Stockwell Manor?" She glanced at him, slowing her steps down before completely stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

"You don't mind if I walk you back to Tenison's, do you?"

"You're going to be late, I couldn't ask you to do that."

"Jane, I insist."

She smiled at him, "Fine, but don't blame me if you get in trouble." They both resumed walking towards her school. Jane was glad that he offered, she didn't necessarily want to leave his presence just yet.

"What classes do you have for the rest of the day?"

"Two Year 13 classes, mostly prepping for GCE stuff."

"I'm kind of glad I don't have to do that sort of thing, I think that'd stress me out."

"It can be a bit stressful but I think I can keep them engaged pretty well, my students usually do pretty well."

"Too bad I didn't have you as a teacher, I wouldn't have been able to keep my eyes off of you."

There he goes again with his comments where Jane wasn't sure if he was actually flirting or teasing, she still looked down at the sidewalk to hide her reddening cheeks.

They eventually got back to her school, it was a short distance from the cafe so they didn't have much time for conversation.

"I'll see you Friday, then?" He stopped to face her.

"I'll see you then, have a good rest of your day, Brian." She started to walk the rest of the way towards her building, finding it hard to take her eyes off of him and watch where she was going.

"You too, Jane."

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