E- Enamoured

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To: reader

Subject: Enamoured.

Dear reader,

You must be surprised I actually added a subject to my letter today. Well, I suppose today is a special day.


What does that mean?

Enamoured: To fully and strongly love or admire someone/something.

If you never understood why people fluster on about how a look in their lover's eyes made them fall in love over and over again, you will understand when you see hers.

Have you heard of star-filled eyes- the ones that seem to hold all the sparkle and love in their eyes?

She has them.

You wouldn't even bear to look for more than a moment cause the intensity in her eyes is just too much.

She looks so pure, so utterly and fully in love with you as you speak and ramble- even as you just smile.

Her gaze fully on you... just watching with a warm fondness.

Oh goodness! 

Help me, Lord.



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