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Has anyone ever told you that you are obsessed with yourself or that you won't find a man because you always squeal over fictional ones? Do they tell you that you have "high standards" and should probably lower them?

But babe... that's just 'cause you are a reader, and the standards of today are just pathetically low.

If you agree, then this book is just right for you~

This is a book that explores the cute little fantasties of how we (as readers, writers, and creative artists in general) want our love to view us. After all, if we already view ourselves like this, how much more would we want our lover to? Moreover... how much more would we give our lover?

This is just the one thing we would love them to beat us at. Give us that little rivalry for our love~

If cute fluff and adorable teasing make you giggle and squeal more than any other thing, then don't be shy~ Scroll on to the next page to get your little giggle festival going~

A letter about my loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin