T- Treasure

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To: reader

Dear reader,

Do you know what she treasures? 

I mean in terms of physical things.

Let me give you a hint: it isn't money or some big fancy thing, neither is it an intangible thing like bonds and whatnot. 

Should I spoil you a bit and tell you? Well, it's just food, glasses, and her dear book.

Every time I see her, she always somehow has her favourite snack in reach and a book in hand (if it isn't physically in her hand, then it's on her phone).

Let me ask you a little question;

Do you know that content look you have when you just took the first satisfying taste of that delicious meal? She always has it when she's reading that book or eating that snack or even when she finds her glasses after looking everywhere for it (it was on her head). It's like this look of relief mixed with satisfaction.

It's so adorable.

But the thing is... there is a look I find even more adorable on her; the look- or rather, looks she has when reading.

She has a diverse range of expressions which changes with every little thing she reads. I could watch her for hours without getting bored.

It's funny, I never even knew a human was capable of making that many expressions.

I just love seeing it.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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