A Misappropriated Tart

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After a quick check up by Sophia, y/n and Grim were finally allowed to go home and rest up for the next day. Although, when they got there, y/n was shocked to find a box full of baby books, a blanket and old toys made of wood and soft materials waiting in front of her door. There was only a small note left there as well.

'Hope this will be of help to you. I made the toys myself as well. If you ever need help, just come by Diasomnia.

Kind Regards

She merely shook her head at this and brought the box inside towards her room. She's extremely grateful for the baby books since no one back in her world educated her properly on what she can and can't do during her pregnancy. Afterwards, y/n and Grim went to bed after doing their nightly routine and immediately falling asleep.

However, none of them knew of the mirror above the mantel that started to ripple before a swirl of bright, white light lit up the room.

Y/n yawns as her eyes flutter open, before letting out a yelp when she noticed that she's in a world of black and white. Voices immediately catches her attention as she turns her head to see the most bizarre thing ever.

A group of cards were painting the roses red, considering the paint was the only thing that had color in the black and white world around her,"Hurry up and paint those roses red! Slather them quickly, as aforesaid!" they say in an almost sing-song tone,"Hurry, hurry! There are still roses left to paint!" the Ace of Clubs says with a urgent tone as they paint the white roses red.

Y/n got up to move closer to them with a weirded out look,"Painting roses? Why are they doing something so weird?" she mutters, but they didn't hear her even though her voice echoed around them. Suddenly, a little girl appeared beside her with a confused look on her little face,"Why are you painting these white roses red?" she asks with curiosity.

"Huh?" the card soldiers gave her flabbergasted expressions as they stop with their progress. The other card soldier, the Two of Clubs, turns to her,"Why, you ask? It's quite simple. We planted the wrong color, you see." he admits as he continues to paint.

"The Queen likes her roses red. If they're white, we'll lose our heads!" the Ace of Clubs says with fear in his eyes as y/n slowly follows the little girl,"Goodness!" the little girl gasps before walking over to another card, the Three of Clubs.

"And so, we're painting the roses red." he tells her and y/n crosses her arms,"Lose their heads, they say? That sounds familiar, but where did I hear that again?" she wonders out loud as the world around her goes dark.

Next thing she knew, the teen was looking up at her shabby ceiling with drowsy eyes,"Ugh, what a weird dream..." she groans as she lightly presses her palms against her eyes before hearing faint knocking from downstairs,"Is someone seriously knocking here?" she grumbles as she sits up.

"Myaaah... Hey y/n... I know it's the middle of the night, but I think we've got a visitor." Grim yawns, also woken up by the rapid knocking of the front door,"No kidding." y/n sighs as she gets up and heads downstairs with Grim following behind her,"Maybe it's those pesky ghosts again? They just don't know when to quit." Grim guesses as y/n reaches for the door, but doesn't open it.

"Whoever is out there, you better have a good reason for waking me up from my much needed sleep." she warns with a stern tone,"It's me, Ace! Just let me in, all right?" Ace pleads from the other side and y/n is quite surprised to find out it's him. She quickly opens the door and Ace walks in the a bag over his shoulder.

"Ace? It's the middle of the night! B-bwah! That collar!" Grim yelps as he and y/n spot a familiar heart collar around the ginger's neck,"I can't go back to Heartslabyul House. I'm joining your dorm. For good." Ace declares with crosses arms as the Ramshackle Duo stare at him with wide eyes,"Myah?! Come again?!/What?!" they shout in unison.

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