Chapter 2: Henry's First Friend

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7 Years Later
Little Whining, Surrey
July 27th 1988

It was a warm summer day in Privet Drive and young Henry Harrow was celebrating his 8th birthday, his Aunt Wendy and Uncle Oliver got out a big chocolate cake with eight candles and started singing Happy Birthday to their little nephew.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Henry, Happy Birthday to you his aunt and uncle sang

Make a wish sweetheart said Wendy

Henry closed his eyes and blew out the candle, his uncle had enchanted the candles as he blew them out the fire of the candles spelled out "Happy 8th Birthday Henry" which really amazed him, his aunt and uncle were skilled with with magic and he hoped when was older he'd be great with magic like his family.

What did you wish for? asked Oliver

I can't tell you or else it won't come true said Henry

After Henry ate some birthday cake, he opened some of his presents some of which were toys and books like a toy broomstick, a stuffed hippogriff, a toy blue car and the book The Tales of Beetle the Bard and candy like Chocolate Frogs, Peppermint Toads, Fizzing Whizzbees and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.

But there was one gift he got that was very special, his aunt and uncle had been saving for eight years, he gave his something small wrapped in golden snitch patterned wrapping paper he tore it and saw it was a framed picture of his parents, he nearly cried when he saw it, Oliver and Wendy had told Henry everything about his parents, but hadn't told him about how they died as he wasn't ready to hear it yet, the picture showed his father and his mother who was pregnant with him standing in front of a house, they were both smiling happy, Henry looked over at his Aunt Wendy and Uncle Oliver and gave them both a big hug.

Thanks Aunt Wendy, thank you Uncle Oliver said Henry

You're welcome Henry they both said

After celebrating his birthday the entire day it was now time to go to sleep, as his aunt Wendy tucked him in.

Good night my little wizard, and Happy Birthday said Wendy

Good night, Aunt Wendy said Henry

Wendy gave Henry a kiss on the cheek then went to the door of his bedroom, and she used her wand to turn off his night light, as she closed the door Henry looked out his bedroom window, he looked up at lovely night sky and the lovely stars he looked at the biggest star and hope his birthday wish came true, his wish was to have a friend, ever since he was little he'd wanted to have a friend but every kid who lived in Privet Drive weren't the nicest kids they bullied him and teased him and if they found out he came from a Wizarding Family they would ridicule him even more, but he knew deep down not every kid in the neighbourhood was going to be a bully, he hoped one kid would make friends with him and he could tell him about magic and the Wizarding World, he closed his eyes and hoped one day someone would be his friend.

4 Days Later..
July 31st 1988

Wendy and Oliver took Henry to the playground on Magnolia Road which saw down the street from their house, he saw a few kids playing sliding down the slide, and playing on the roundabout but then Henry saw a boy on the swings, he wasn't swinging he was just sitting there, this boy had, blue eyes, brown hair and round glasses he was wearing clothes that looked way too big for him, he looked very lonely, he decided to walk up to him and asked him if he wanted to play

Hello Henry greeted the boy

Hi said the boy

I'm Henry, Henry Harrow Henry introduced himself

I'm Harry, Harry Potter said the boy as he introduced himself

Hey, do you want to play with me? asked Henry

Sure answered Harry

Henry and Harry then started running around playing tag, they then started playing on the roundabout after a fun day it was getting dark and so they decided to walk each other back home as they walked they talked on the way getting to know each other

So you live with your aunt and uncle? asked Henry

Yeah, with my Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and my cousin Dudley answered Harry

I live with my Aunt Wendy and Uncle Oliver, they're both great said Henry

I wish I could say the same, my aunt and uncle are always mean to me said Harry

That's awful said Henry

It's alright, I'm used to it said Harry

Henry then saw that his new friend had a lightning shaped scar on his forehead, he was curious about how he got so he decided to ask him

Harry, your scar how'd you get it? Henry asked

I don't know, I mean my aunt Petunia told me that it's a scar from a car crash said Harry

Car crash? Henry asked

The car crash that killed my parents, they died when I was a baby said Harry

My parents are dead too said Henry

Suddenly young Harry Potter looked at Henry, they had a lot in common then they thought, they were born on the same of July just 4 days apart, they lived with their aunt and uncle and their parents are both dead, he felt he could trust him and that he could talk to him, Henry felt the same way.

Henry arrived at Harry's house which was across the street from his own house and he felt after their day together he had made his first real friend, he hoped he could be able to play with him again.

It was great playing with you Henry said Harry

Me too, we should do it again sometime said Henry

Yeah, that'd be great said Harry

Suddenly a overweight man with a moustache walked out the front door of the house it was Harry's uncle Vernon Dursley and he looked very mad.

Boy!!, you were supposed to be home an hour ago!! yelled Vernon

"I-I'm sorry Uncle Vernon, I was just playing with-"

You have a curfew so follow it or else you'll be locked up in the cupboard said Vernon as grabbed him by his shirt

Hey, leave him alone! said Henry

You, you stay away!! said Vernon

Vernon then shut the door and as Henry was about to walk across the street to his own house, Harry then walked out the house and caught up to him.

Henry, I'll see you tomorrow? asked Harry

Sure said Henry

Henry walked over to his house, he told his relatives about his new friend he had made across the street, he couldn't wait to see him again, his birthday wish had come true, he had finally made a friend, little did he know that it was the start of a magical friendship.

There's that's Chapter 2, Chapter 3 is on it's way so stay tuned also special thanks to my good friend and writing partner Carl867 for helping me out - TheRetroKid

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