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1986 (10 years before this story takes place)

"Come on." 6 year old Lucille's mother urged her, slightly nudging the small, curly haired redhead through the front door of the trailer they now called home. Lucille clung onto her twin sister Van's hand as she hesitantly walked in, gulping as she took in the sight.

The trailer was dim and had a slight smell of mildew, which instantly made Lucille feel ill. Their single mother had lost her job, and they were forced to move to Wiskayok, NJ and live in the trailer park slightly outside of the city. Lucille hated having to move; she would have to leave all her friends behind and go to a completely different school, as her old one was too far away now.

Lucille watched as her mother immediately slumped down on the stained sofa, lighting a cigarette. Soon, the tiny living room was filled with the smell of smoke, which was overpowering, but a familiar smell to the two young girls. It made the trailer feel more like home, at least. Lucille then dragged her single suitcase down the narrow and dark hallway, searching for a room to claim. "This one's mine!" Van exclaimed, shoving past Lucille and running to the furthest room. Lucille sighed, then walked too the one next door. "Fine, this ones mine then."


A little while later, there was a knock on the door. Lucille peeked through her bedroom window, which had a full view of the front door. Standing outside were a man and a woman, as well as a young brunette girl, who looked a similar age to Lucille. The woman reached up and knocked again as no one had answered the first time. Lucille rushed out of her room to go open the door. She saw her mother on the way, passed out half off the couch.

"Hi!" Lucille greeted as she opened the door.
"Hi, sweetie," The lady greeted back, a wide grin on her face, "We live next door and just wanted to introduce ourselves. I'm Laura, this is Bob" she pointed to the man next to her, who had a scowl on his face, "And this is our daughter Natalie." She pointed to the small brunette girl, who offered a shy grin. Lucille smiled back.
"Oh, hi. I'm Lucille, and, well, my moms asleep right now, but there's also my sister Van. We're twins."
"Oh, how lovely. How old are you two? Our Natalie here is 6."
"Us too!" Lucille exclaimed, making Natalie smile.
"Wow! Can I come play sometime then?" Natalie asked eagerly.
"Sure! You can right now if you want! I'm still unpacking but all my barbies are out."
"Cool!" She then turned to her parents, "Can I? Please, please please!"
Her mother laughed, "Sure. Just be home for dinner." Natalie nodded eagerly, then entered the trailer.

The two girls, later joined by Van, played with the barbies for the rest of the afternoon. Soon enough, it was 5pm.
"Oh, I've gotta go. See you!" Natalie said, then quickly racing out the door.
"Bye!" Lucille called out after her. She smiled, happy to have already made a friend.

Snow Angel - Natalie ScatorccioWhere stories live. Discover now