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April 1996 (1 month before s1)

"Lucy! Hurry up!" Van called out from the other side of Lucille's closed bedroom door.
"One second!" Lucille responded as she placed the last butterfly clip in her hair. She then admired herself in the mirror, smiling as she flattened the skirt of the long plaid sundress she had on with her hands. She then grabbed her book bag and flung open her door, racing through the hallway.

"Bye, mom!" She called out to her half-conscious mother sprawled out on the couch, who replied with a simple grunt.
"Come on, were gonna be late." Van urged from outside, crossing her arms and tapping her Doc Marten clad foot impatiently.
"Okay, okay, I'm coming." Lucille said defensively as she walked down the front stairs of the trailer, slamming the door harshly behind her.
"Hey, Princess," Natalie called out as she walked over to the twins, a large grin on her face, "Nice dress."
"Ugh. I hate that nickname." Lucille groaned; Natalie had insisted on calling her that for years because of how much of a "goody-goody" the redhead supposedly was.
"I think it's cute. And, it suits you. You act and dress like a princess." Natalie grinned, draping an arm over Lucille's shoulder. Lucille's cheeks heated up, but she didn't know why. This had happened a lot around Natalie recently, and it was confusing the hell out of her.

Suddenly, Natalies dad called out from their front window. "Hey, what happened to my Vodka?"
"I don't know, dad. You probably drank it all." She replied in a monotone, rolling her eyes.
"Don't take that tone with me, you little bitch." He shouted. Natalie tensed slightly.

Lucille, frowned at her friend; she knew how hard Natalie's dad was on her, and she could relate. Her mother was the same. That's why they got along so well - they couldn't be more different, but they still somehow completely understood one another. Natalie was your typical 'bad girl': leather-clad, dark eyeliner, was failing most of her classes, and would partake in underage drinking and smoking. Lucille, on the other hand, was a 'goody-type', as Natalie would put it: always in 'pretty' clothes, her perfect curly red hair clad with butterfly clips, and would get straight-As in school. Not that Lucille wouldn't partake in underage drinking and smoking, she was just more secretive about it. Natalie would always joke about this; "You're such a goody-goody on the outside, but if people knew the real you they'd freak!" She'd laugh as they would pass a blunt back and forth in Natalie's bedroom.

The three piled into Van's car, Natalie and Lucille in the back and Van in the drivers seat. Van would always complain about this seating arrangement, saying "I feel like a taxi driver," though it wouldn't be for long as they would then pick Taissa up halfway to school who would sit up the front.


"Hi!" Taissa smiled and waved as she approached the car.
"Hey!" Van, Lucille, and Natalie all chirped in unison as she hopped in the front seat. Taissa and Van would then share a quick shy grin, looking away quickly like they were flustered. Lucille and Natalie then shared a look; honestly, Lucille had thought maybe there was something going on between the two, but didn't want to pry her sister.


When they got to school, the four immediately parted ways. "Bye! See you at lunch, Natty!" Lucille called out to her friend as she raced to her first class, only having minutes until it started. Natalie groaned at the nickname, then retaliated by calling out "Bye LuLu! Love you!"
Lucille just laughed, "Love you tooooo!" She called out, blowing a kiss. Natalie grinned after her best friend, a blush lining her cheeks. Recently, she had developed some different feeling for her redhead friend, but didn't know exactly what they meant. She just shrugged the feeling off then headed to her first class, still smiling slightly.


At lunch, Lucille sat with Natalie and her friends. She would only sit there for Natalie, and would rarely interact with any of the others. Lucille didn't necessarily hate Natalie's friends, but she thought they were a bad influence for sure. They would regularly skip class to smoke under the bleachers, and had complete disregard for everything that wasn't drugs or sex. That being said, she trusted Natalie to not follow the same path, so she didn't bring it up.

Snow Angel - Natalie ScatorccioWhere stories live. Discover now