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As Lucille lay in her bed not even 10 minutes later, she heard almost constant yelling coming from Natalie's trailer next door. Every slam and shout made Lucille flinch, worried for her friend's safety. She so desperately wanted to go over there and help, but she knew that would just make the situation far worse, especially after what Natalie's dad had accused them of doing. Instead, she just lay in bed, trying to listen and make out what they were shouting.

Suddenly, there was a noise that sounded like a gunshot piercing through the air, then a woman's scream. Lucille jumped up, immediately racing through the narrow hallways and to the front door of her trailer. Van was hot on her tails, also hearing the gunshot. "What the fuck was that?" Van asked, extremely alarmed. Lucille just shakily shrugged in response, her eyebrows knotted in worry as a deep frown appeared on her face. She hesitated opening the door, praying that the supposed gunshot was not directed to Natalie and that her friend was fine. Van, impatient, pushed past and flung the door open, storming outside, Lucille not far behind her, though still shaky.

They were met with a crowd of other residents gathered around Natalie's trailer, all whispering amongst themselves with horror present on their faces. Van and Lucille pushed their way through the crowd with their elbows, trying to find Natalie. Lucille's eyes then fell on the brunette in the doorway, breathing a sigh of relief that she was seemingly unharmed. She then frowned at her tear-stained face. As she approached, she noticed the outcome of the gunshot they had heard: Natalie's father was laying lifeless on the ground, half of his face blown off from being shot. By the looks of it, he had done it himself as he was holding a shotgun covered in blood with his finger tight around the trigger. Natalie then noticed her Lucille and Van, and speed walked over to them, her lip quivering and eyes narrowing. Lucille immediately engulfed the brunette in a hug, as Natalie began to let out shaky sobs into the crook of Lucille's neck. Lucille stroked Natalie's back in an effort to comfort her friend. Van also patted Natalie on the back, not as good with affection but trying her best.

After a minute of standing there, Natalie finally lifted her head up to look Lucille in the eyes. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her cheeks were covered in a layer of tears. "Can I stay at yours tonight?" Natalie hesitantly asked.
"Of course." Lucille responded, worry for the girl laced in her voice. The three then walked back to Lucille and Van's trailer, the twins either side of Natalie with their arms linked in hers in efforts to both support and comfort her.


That night, Lucille stayed quiet. She didn't want to pry her friend, as she knew that something extremely traumatic had just happened and didn't want to force her to relive it so soon. Instead, they just lay together in Lucille's bed in silence, Natalie's head on Lucille's chest as Lucille stroked Natalie's back with one hand and her hair with another. Every now and then, a loud sniffle or shaky breath would sound from Natalie, which made Lucille hold her friend tighter to her chest.

After who knows how long, Natalie raised her head to look at Lucille, now resting her chin on Lucille's chest. Lucille looked into her sad eyes, feeling for the girl even though she had no idea what had happened.
"I-I tried to shoot him, but I swear it wasn't me who actually shot him. He did it himself." Natalie quickly spoke, worried her friend wouldn't believe her. Lucille looked at her, waiting for her to elaborate.
"Wait, so what happened?" Lucille asked, confused when Natalie didn't immediately elaborate.

Natalie quickly spoke, "He-he started attacking my mom for being too 'loose' with parenting or whatever, so then I grabbed his shotgun to try and like threaten him, but then he started taunting me. So, I tried to shoot him but the safety was on so nothing happened. Then he started calling me incompetent - and other worse things - and took the gun off me. Then-" Natalie paused as her voice broke, then sniffling and clearing her throat. Lucille furrowed her eyebrows, "Its okay. You don't have to tell me. What you went through was super scary and I understand if you don't want to talk about it."
"No, I want to. It feels good to relay it. Anyways, he must've turned the safety off but then he suddenly tripped and set the gun off. And then, suddenly, he was on the ground. It was so scary, but am i evil if I say I'm kind of relieved."
"No, you're not evils for thinking that. He wasn't a great guy. I know how he treated you.it's completely understandable that you'd be relieved he's gone. Now, he can't treat you like shit."
Natalie then rest her head back onto Lucille's chest, signifying that the conversation was over. Lucille went back to brushing her fingers through Natalie's hair as soft sniffles escaped the brunette.

Soon after, the sniffling and shaky breaths stopped, and light snoring replaced it. Lucille grinned down at her friend, glad she could get some sleep, then let herself slowly drift off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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