Australian Media Day

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Walking into the media pen with her pr manager, Victoria made her way over to a reporter standing waiting.

After saying hello to one another the reporter finally asked "You're probably going to get asked this question a thousand times today, but I have to ask. Where is your mother? How is Kate? What's happening?"

With a laugh Victoria responds "I would like to know that to. I think it very suspicious that both her and Pete Davidson haven't been seen for the same amount of time."

Playing along the reporter asks "So, are you saying Pete Davidson is your new step dad?"

"I'm not saying it but you just did. No, but in all seriousness though, she's ok, she's at home resting. After her surgery a few months ago, the doctors said it would be a long recovery and that she wouldn't be able to do too much work. But she's fine, and you should expect to hear from her in the next day or two."

"One last question before you go. Thoughs on the situation down at Williams? Alex Albon being given Logan Sargents car for the weekend."

"I love both of them, I don't think this is Alex's fault, I don't think he's to blame here. James made his decision, an unfair decision at that, as the team principal, he's probably doing what he sees as best for the team. To me it looks like when a parent says they don't have a favorite child but there's obvious signs that there is one."

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