73 Questions with Vouge

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1. What's one thing people don't know about you?

I technically don't have a birthday. My mother had to have a C-section, so I have a removal day instead of a birthday.

2. Favorite movie?

I want to say something cool like pulp fiction or the godfather, but in reality it's cars 2

3. Weirdest thing you have eaten?

One time I had to babysit my youngest brother Louie and he went off into the kitchen. He comes out a few minutes later and has a pull full of random stuff that he found around the kitchen. I think there was a banana, different spices, dry pasta and baked beans

4. If you had to choose, which historical war would you have taken part in?

The emu war

5. Celebrity Crush

At the moment I have two. Milly Alcock from house of the dragon or Austin Butler

6. What's the weirdest word in the English language?


7. What is your favorite country to visit?

Honestly, I would have to say Singapore. It's definitely my favorite race every season

8. What's something you thought was made up only to discover that it's real?

I'm a bit embarrassed about this one, but fort knox. I thought it was something they made up for the penguins of Madagascar movie

9. Who do you tell everything to?

My dog. He does be sitting there on the couch and I'm just walking around doing my thing, talking away to him. I have sometimes even asked him questions

10. Early bird or night owl?

Night owl 100%. If I could I would gladly stay in bed till like 1 and then get up and do all my stuff

11. Window or aisle seat?

Window is the clear winner

12. Favorite Disney character?

Mushu from Mulan. Hands down the best character of all time

13. What was your dream job as a child?

Batman but I'm not an orphan or afraid of bats

14. It's 4am on a Saturday night, what are you eating?

That depends. If I have an early flight, it's more than likely going to be a McDonald's. The only other reason I would be awake at that time on a Saturday would be because I've been out drink, so in that case I would have to say a donner kebab

15. Favorite color?

Maybe a red

16. What is the first thing you've going to do when you become queen?

Put 50 cent on all the 50p coins

17. What three people, living or dead, you would like to have dinner with?

The bear that fought in world war 2, Mike Tyson and strangely Pablo Escobar

18. Favorite track to race at?

Singapore's Marina bay street circuit. It's two of my favorite race features, a street circuit and a night race

19. Last book you read?

Meow by Sam Austen

20. What is something you quote on the daily?

All of the birds died in 1986, due to Reagan killing them and replacing them with spy's that are now watching us. The birds work for the bourgeoisie

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