[] Chapter 1: The Betrayal []

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3rd Person POV

On what seemed like a peaceful day at Advance Nurturing High School, also known as ANHS, a male student with grey hair, below-average facial features, and an average height for a 17-year-old boy stumbled down the hallway.

His name was Yamauchi Haruki, a member of the notorious idiot trio from Class B.

As he wobbled, his normally rosy complexion appeared pallid, and his eyes bore a vacant, lifeless gaze, resembling those of a corpse rather than a living person.

The air around him seemed to crackle with an eerie tension, hinting at something amiss beneath the surface tranquility of the school.

Wavering on unsteady legs, Yamauchi made his way towards his classroom, the familiar nameplate "Class B" prominently displayed on the door.

With trembling hands, he reached out to grasp the door handle, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to push it open.

The hallway around him remained eerily quiet, amplifying the sound of his shallow breaths and the pounding of his pulse as he hesitated before entering the classroom.


A/N: That's right, Yamagod didn't manipulate his expulsion. For the plot! :D

Kiyo's POV

Today started off like any other day-or so I thought. But as I glanced around the classroom, I noticed the absence of a student from our Class.

Chabashira-sensei was already present, her watchful gaze scanning the room.

I exchanged a glance with Horikita, whose furrowed brow betrayed her concern. It was clear that she shared my number senses unease about the missing student and the potential impact it could have on our class points.

The atmosphere in the classroom was tense, overshadowing the usual routine of the day.

As the tension in the classroom reached its peak, a sudden sound broke the silence-*thud*. All eyes turned towards the source of the noise, which emanated from the classroom door swinging open. In walked the missing student, Yamauchi Haruki, one of the members of the notorious idiot trio.

His presence elicited a collective gasp from the students, their faces contorting with a mixture of surprise and disgust.

Yamauchi's pallid complexion and lifeless gaze only added to the eerie atmosphere that had settled over the room.

The girls, in particular, shot him disdainful glares, their expressions reflecting both distaste for his appearance and annoyance at his tardiness.

It was clear that Yamauchi's late arrival had not gone unnoticed or forgiven by his classmates.

As Yamauchi stumbled into the classroom, the atmosphere grew even more tense. Suddenly, he doubled over, retching violently as blood spilled from his mouth.

The sight shocked the students, eliciting another round of disgusted expressions from the girls, while Hirata's worry was palpable.

"Hey, man, you alright?" concerned voices rang out from some of the boys in the class.

"Yamauchi-kun, are you okay !?" Hirata, displaying genuine concern, approached Yamauchi, followed closely by Chabashira-sensei, her stern expression softened by worry.

Observing the unfolding scene, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong with Yamauchi.

At the same time, from the corner of my eye, I caught sight of employees outside the window, their frantic movements indicating a disturbing reality.

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