Part 17: Vykor

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Viktor slumped at the breakfast table, barely touching the food General Alden placed before him. The weight of his recent breakups hung heavy. "Lea wants nothing to do with me," he muttered, his voice thick with despair. "And Emily... how could she say she loved me and then leave? Because of my son with Lea?"

General Alden leaned back, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Viktor, I told you. These humans don't truly want you here. Even Emily, with all her talk of love, couldn't stand by your side. Yes, you have a child with Lea, but humans always have these complications. It's you, Viktor. She doesn't want you."

Viktor stared at the table, doubt clouding his usual confidence. He replayed his arguments with Emily in his head, the sting of her rejection a fresh wound.

Placing his hand on his chin, Viktor spoke, his voice quieter now. "You're right. She could have stayed. There wasn't any real reason for her to leave except for the legality of our relationship. It didn't have to be this complicated."

A subtle flash of satisfaction crossed General Alden's face. Seizing the opportunity, he leaned forward. "See, Viktor? This is exactly what I'm talking about! These humans think we'll accept this discrimination. They think they can push us around. But no more! Viktor, it's time to take a stand. Let's take over this world together."

Viktor, seemingly lost in thought, turned to his father and said, "Okay, tell me the plan." 

General Alden raised a holo screen from the breakfast table with a wave. "The plan, Viktor, is simple: Victoria must be eliminated first." His voice dropped to a low, intense whisper. "I know it's a heavy burden, but it's the catalyst for our cause. Victoria's death will be a rallying cry for the R.O.B.O. resistance. We will reintroduce ourselves to the galaxy for who we truly are: Puians. And I, myself, will reclaim my rightful title: King Aryn."

He placed his hands on Viktor's shoulders, his gaze intense. "They will know our names, Vykor. This is your birthright."

Viktor raised an eyebrow, the name echoing in his mind. "Vykor?"

"Yes, son," General Alden confirmed. "That is your true name. Your Puian name."

Viktor stared at his reflection on the chrome surface of the table. "Vykor, huh?" He touched his face, a strange sense of belonging washing over him. General Alden's words resonated with a bitter truth Viktor couldn't deny. He replayed Emily's tearful goodbye, the finality of her words a stark reminder of the human prejudice he'd constantly battled. Never trust a human. He thought.

A dark spark ignited in Viktor's eyes, fueled by a potent mix of vengeance and the promise of power. "Alright, Father," he said, his voice flat and devoid of warmth. "Where can I find Victoria?

A triumphant smirk spread across General Alden's lips. "I knew you would see the light of day." General Alden gestured towards the table, and a holographic screen flickered to life. A complex astronomical chart filled the space, unlike anything Viktor had ever seen. Alien symbols swirled around shimmering orbs representing stars and galaxies, all written in a language Viktor didn't recognize.

"This," General Alden declared, his voice thick with Puian pride, "is an Astronautical chart from our homeworld, Pui. From the image we received from the Orbital Space Docking Station, Victoria, and crew went into hyperdrive and seemed to be headed toward the Carina dwarf galaxy. A slight frown creased his brow. Unfortunately," General Alden continued. "I do not know exactly which planet they are headed to. There are thirteen planets in the Carina galaxy, some potentially harboring life. Still, fortunately for you, your ship will include an A I bot that can detect the planet's atmosphere and locale information if available."  

Viktor traced the route with his finger, a cold determination settling over him. "Thirteen planets. A scavenger hunt, then. Why Carina, though?"

General Alden shrugged, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. "It matters little in the end. Once she's gone, the Puian rebellion will rise again."

Viktor's gaze hardened further. "Very well. Let's get this 'fun challenge' underway." A dark smile played on his lips, starkly contrasting the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. The journey to Carina would be long, but with each passing moment, Vykor, son of King Aryn, felt his resolve solidify. He would find Victoria, and humanity would pay for their prejudice.

Days turned into weeks as Viktor and General Alden prepared for Viktor's departure. The ship, hidden within an unassuming Earth warehouse, roared to life. As Viktor pierced the atmosphere, Earth shrinking into a blue marble behind him, a pang of nostalgia struck Viktor. He glanced back, a silent goodbye to the world that had rejected him, the world that held Emily.

The journey to the Carina galaxy was a harsh mistress. Time stretched into an eternity as Viktor spent his days buried in ancient Puian texts that his father had provided him. His Puian name, Vykor, felt more natural with each passing moment. He learned about their glorious past, the language, and the beauty of it all. He finally, for once, belonged somewhere. 

Meanwhile, Greg, Matilda, and Victoria hovered over an inhabitable planet as they rested on their way to the planet Wa. However, on their way to the planet Wa, they had been gone for a week relatively; they had been gone for about seven years now. Over the days, Greg's erratic behavior continued. Matilda, increasingly worried, finally confronted him.

"Greg," she said, her voice laced with concern, "I've noticed you zoning out a lot lately. Are you okay?"

Greg fidgeted, then led her to the ship's kitchen. "Matilda," he began hesitantly, "this is going to sound crazy, but I have a connection with Victoria's mother, Hyva. It's like she's in my head."

 Matilda frowns, her brow furrowing. "Greg," She scoffed. "You really do sound crazy. Do you have any proof of this... connection? "

Greg sighs. Determined to convince Matilda, Greg focused, reaching out to Hyva with a silent plea. Moments later, Hyva's voice filled his head.

"Yes, Greg?"

"Can Matilda experience what I'm experiencing?" Greg asked.

"Yes, "Hyva confirmed.

Suddenly, Greg's hands grew clammy. "Grab my hands, Matilda," he instructed.

Hesitantly, Matilda complied. A wave of energy washed over her, transporting her into a breathtaking vision. She saw Hyva in all her glory. She stood before her, tall and regal; a flowy purple robe encompassed her body. Her brown skin glistened as if sunkissed. Her wavy, raven-black hair cascaded down to her waist. Her tattooed face had three dots on the middle of her forehead, each becoming smaller as they pointed down to her nose, and her emerald eyes held an intensity that pierced through Matilda.

Simply put, she was stunning. Matilda, in his mind, stared in awe. "Hello, Matilda," Hyva greeted, her voice warm and welcoming. "I've heard so much about you. Greg cares for you deeply but carries a burden he hasn't shared yet. Be patient; he'll tell you in his own time. You two are connected now, so I will explain why we are doing this. Ultimately, Victoria will have to choose her destiny, and here is why:" 

With a wave of her hand, Matilda observed a new world:

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