Kangoou & Kiayen Kuroki chapter 1 Part 2

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Kiayen was flipping over the Pass when she saw Kangoo slide faster on a huge twisting mega mangrove root that covered almost the entire mid-hemisphere. They lived way inland and survived on insects 20 times their size and abominations they didn't eat but feared and fought to defend their land.

She reached the overgrown thicket pass before him, but Kangoo was not going to let her win. He pulled all his weight onto his tail after swinging on the vines to get more speed. It felt like he was flying.

But when a bird flew past above them, casting a shadow like a great mystical bird of the north, Kangoo looked up and saw nothing. He shrugged and dipped down, pushing his energy into his back. And it worked. He got a kind of boost, but it gave him a tail. A glowing trail that extended past his tail like a receding double image.

Kiayen landed on the edge, where they jumped off into their tribal lands below. But before she could, Kangoo swooped past her like an arrow.

She jumped into the abyssal darkness of the underworld of the out-of-control flora and fauna aboveground. The sanctuary was comprised of three tribes that merged after discovering some secret the Elders kept from them.

Kangoo and Kiayen were their fighters and determined the fate of countless battles that resulted in the merger of the clans of the infinite tree.

Kangoo fell for at least 20 seconds before the light of his sister Manna's focused construct caught him. The kangaroo tribes of the endless forest have learned the secrets of nature and mastered the fifth element known as Quintessence, a hidden in-between pocket overlay universe that is said to exist within the breadth of reality itself.

Each of the Kia, Chi, and Koto tribes has trained under the same Arcane Master D, who is secluded and isolated from all others. She is said to live in the far north of the world, but the Elders are the only ones permitted to seek her guidance. She is a remnant of a time when heroes arose.

He opened his eyes...

"We are falling too fast, Kangoo!" shouted Kiayen, who was holding her arms out to slow herself down. He went into a forward pin shape and shouted, "Use your tail! You can do it!"

As they saw the opening for the canopy of the surface, it was slight, the smallest lift in Kangoo's left lip crease. He never smiled. But Kiayen smiled in return. Pin-shaped, they both flipped forward. As they fell through the gap, they slowed down gradually by forward flipping.

"One, two, three!" shouted Kangoo as he flipped one more time and landed on his tail in the water. It depressed the water tension of the surface area. Kiayen dropped in right next to him, but her splash was bigger. They got to the surface of the underground lake and clicked and laughed, a sensation they rarely felt.

"You are so serious," she pushed him, and he dripped down and up.

"Ahh, I know, but that's my favourite part of getting back. That fall is like we are flying, and I can't get enough of it. If only we could fly!" Kangoo didn't even think as they reached the edge and jumped off the lake bead, up as high as 30m to the trail the tribe uses to hunt bugs.

Kiayen nodded and whispered. "We better get back before you know how Mother gets. She's gonna be wild."

As the pair hopped, with a half-walk through the tribe centre, most of them looked beaten up and wounded littered their fur. The only one tending to their wounds was Kiayen and Kangoo's mother.

"What happened?" asked Kiayen, who held her left hand over her right elbow.

"The southern tribe attacked. Not moments ago, the patrol was out to the southeast and reported movements in the swamp. These lands are protected by Master D. I don't understand why they would attack us so openly when the Accord was struck. Much fear this would happen!" Kangoo knelt on his knee and looked at the wounded Woriture, they call them the Scouts of the Land.

As Kangoou stood upright, he was met with a wisp of pink electric, statically charged air that zipped a strange 3-foot-tall Feline, the evolution of the household cat. It had long fur over his cheek that looked like sideburns from the 1800s.

Before Kangoou spoke, the feline skitted and skated like some sort of rapper. He spoke in a bet, but it was more just a conversation to him.

Things practicality at the space station, we need to check. it out they said that many of the lower levels have gone offline, nobody has been down there for, a billion years, know me, pddrrow, licking his paw and straightening his whiskers that appeared to be statically charged.

We need to go now, goou, its time, he looked over at his mother, and kiayen who smiled well it was a closed smile.

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