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Monday  came with a start and the clinic was already busy with clients. Kara had sent the new veterinarians out on the farm calls while she stayed in the clinic. "What can I get you for lunch Kara?" Nia asked poking her head in her office. "I think I'll go grab it myself today Nia, but thank you." Kara stated. "Ok!" Nia replied as she disappeared. Kara sat back and thought about the weekends events as she did some paperwork. Soon the pangs of hunger rumbled through her stomach causing the blonde to head towards the front door letting everyone know she'd be stepping out for lunch.

Driving her truck toward the restaurant she smiled as she passed Lena's store. "Closed for lunch? Maybe I'll see her somewhere." Kara said with a sigh as she pulled into a parking space. Inside the restaurant she made her order and took a seat at the booth to wait. Mindlessly playing on her phone she didn't notice that the raven haired woman with green eyes sat opposite her. Feeling eyes on her she looked up shocked to see Lena there. "Hey! I didn't mean to startle you!" Lena said with a smile. "Oh..you're good, I just wasn't expecting it." Kara replied.

"Oh...well I can go if you like..." Lena replied sadly. "Oh no! Stay, I'm on lunch too. I needed to get out of the clinic for a while. It's really busy there." Kara admitted. Smiling at the response Lena couldn't help but look at the blonde. "Have you ordered?" Lena asked. "Yea..I'm getting a turkey sandwich and a milkshake. Have you ordered?" Kara asked. "Yep, I'm having a burger and a milkshake. So since you're here, who's doing the farm calls?" Lena asked. "Mike and Charlie. They're my recent hires. I have a lot of paperwork to get done today so the clinic is being run by another new hire Alice." Kara explained.

"Turkey sandwich, chocolate milkshake and a burger and chocolate milkshake?" The waitress asked putting their food down in front of them. "How are the new hires doing?" Lena asked. "Good, Alice leaves everyday at five so she can be home with her family, and Mike and Charlie are my on call veterinarians so that leaves me with more free time to do nothing." Kara replied. A wave of relief flooded over Lena as she heard the blonde say that Alice has a family, and she has free time now. "What will you do with all your free time?" Lena asked.

"Well, depends on who you ask. If it was up to me I'd say I'll be reading under a blanket on the sofa. However Sam and Alex think I should use my free time to go out and meet people." Kara replied with a sigh. "Oh? They trying to push you to a relationship too?" Lena asked. "Oh yea...well it was my mom's idea mostly...she gave them the idea that night at the restaurant." Kara admitted. "Oh...so thats why you were avoiding eye contact with them. Your mom seems really nice by the way." Lena stated as she took a bite from her burger. "Thanks.. I'll be sure to pass the message along." Kara replied with a smile.

"So are you just against dating in general or is there more to it?" Lena asked as they finished their meal. "It's not that I'm against relationships per se...it's just that with my relationship history I'm afraid of getting attached to people. Cause in my past I got attached to one woman really quickly and everything was going really well..then it just blew up in my face..." Kara replied. "Was that the girl you told me about?" Lena asked. "Yea...and I know what you're gonna say not all women are the same...Alex and Sam tell me that all the time. But now those two are up to finding me as they call it 'Kara's perfect woman'." Kara explained. Lena began laughing at that statement. "They're doing the same thing for me. Don't feel bad!" Lena stated causing Kara to laugh out loud.

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