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A few minutes later the woman were sitting on the sofa watching a movie together. "Where did you grow up?" Lena asked. "Small town called Midvale. It's rural and nice, there's a lot of wildness areas and lakes." Kara explained. "Sounds beautiful. Do you go back home a lot?" Lena asked turning to face the blonde. "Yea, usually once a month, we go for a long weekend. Hang out, play board games, watch movies." Kara added. "Does Sam go back with you a lot?" Lena asked. "Yea, she goes up every time, why? Do you want to come with us sometime?" Kara asked. "Sure! If you want me to that is." Lena replied. "Of course! It'd be great to have a friend around so I'm not listening to Sam and Alex all the time." Kara replied.

Lena smiled in response to the blondes words. "Well you'll have to let me know when you guys head up again and I'll have my mum work the shop." Lena stated. "Sounds good to me!" Kara replied with a smile. 'If only you knew how much I like you Kara Danvers....' Lena thought to herself as they turned back to the movie. As the movie played on neither of  the woman notice that they were moving towards each other.

But the end of the second movie they were side by side, their legs touching now. Suddenly the front door swung open revealing Sam and Alex standing there with smirks on their faces. "You two are late!" Sam stated. "What? It's....oh shoot..." Kara groaned. "It's Kara's fault! She made me watch these long movies!" Lena exclaimed. "I did not! You're the one who suggested them! 'Oh let's watch some movies! It'll kill time before we meat Alex and Sam!' So technically...it's your fault!" Kara explained.

Lena blushed at the blondes words, this time however everyone noticed it. "Well come on! I'm hungry! Breakfast was hours ago!" Sam whined. The four woman waked out of the house and got into vehicles, Sam and Alex in Alex's car, and Lena got into the passenger seat of Kara's truck. "Want me to take you home after this?" Kara asked. "Yea...probably should...I've taken up enough of your time already." Lena replied. "Don't say that Lee! I like hanging out with you! I just figured you'd want to sped time with your mom, that's all." Kara replied. "Oh..I like spending time with you too Kar." Lena replied as they drove to the restaurant.

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