ch 2. The keeper of the keys.

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It turned out that Uncle Vernon had in fact not gone mad but was being dead serious instead. Luckily the rain of letters had stopped just as Duddly finished screaming. So we were each told to pack two large suitcases with our belongings in them.
"We need to be out of here in 20 minutes" says Uncle Vernon as he goes upstairs to pack. I went upstairs and was given my two suitcases and told t put some clothes on and only pack as many nappies as I could and some clothes. I did as I was told as quickly as possible.

I was able to load 4 bags of nappys into each suitcases and I was obviously the first one packed. I used the distraction of everyone packing and Duddly throwing a temper tantrum to sneak into my cubord and grab my sketchbook and pencil. I hid them at the bottom of one of my suitcases and left them near the front door.

Smack! I hear a noise I thought I would never hear and more crying but no more yelling or arguing. Uncle had just smacked Duddly for being to slow and trying to pack his playstation. Finally a crying Duddly waddles downstairs and shoves his suitcases in my direction. Obediently I take them and heave them into the car. Uncle Vernon helps me get the rest of the suitcases in and we bundle into the car.

It's a long drive and all the way there Duddly nurses what appears to be a bruise on his face, I would feel pity for him if it wasn't the fact I've been beaten for much less whilst he laughed. But recently he has been treating me quite nicely, at least when we're alone. Maybe I will feel a little pity for him.

Not even Aunt Patunia dares ask where were going. Occasionally Uncle changes direction randomly "shake em off... Shake em off" he mumbles each time he does this.

Finally as the sun is beging to set we appear at our destination. Me and Duddly appear to both be twitching with the need for the bathroom as we lug our luggage towards some shady looking Travelodge.

I feel my bladder let loose and blush slightly, I normally only wet myself infront of daddy, and never in public, but at least no one can tell. But I can feel daddy looking at me and I know that he just knows somehow.

The reception staff seem quite pleasant they even offer me a roll away bed when she notices Uncle must have accidentally only ordered two beds. Uncle grunts in acceptance and gets out his wallet to pay, he pulls out a big amount of cash and hands over the right amount and some in tips before we wander off to our room, number 7.

Imedietly Duddly runs into the bathroom, I'm instructed to unpack everyone's things. I put my two bags in the corner and get to the process of hanging Uncle and Aunt's things in the all too small cubords one usually finds at a Travelodge. Eventually I flop onto my roll out bed and attempt to sleep, easier said than done in a room with captain snoring walrus, Luitenant wheezing vulture and their son private fart bottom.

How much sleep I got will forever remain a mystery but I doubt it was much due to the supprisingly dry night I had.
I get on with the process of quietly changing into new clothes before I wash my teeth and face in the bathroom. As I walk out the bathroom Uncle chucks me a pain au chocolat in a packet "eat then go ask if we have any post" he demands. Obediently I rip the wrapper of my food and eat whilst walking out of our room.

I go to the reception desk and politely ask if our room received any letters. "Room number 7 wasn't it dear?" The woman asks, she's the same lady from last night, she's a bit clumsy, and looks like she just got out if school. Uncle didn't like her pink hair but I think it looks great.

She hands me a letter, one of the same that Uncle had been running away from. "Harry, isn't it?" I nod confused. "There's a whole Santa's sack full of these here, I'll give you the sack, help you carry it, but not till you open that" she says. Kindly.

Just as I go to take the envelope off I hear foot steps, very noticeable footsteps, clunking down the hall and I freeze in place, dropping the letter. "Ah there you are Harry." He says fringing kindness. He picks up my letter and asks the pink haired woman if their are any more she grumpily hands over the the big sack.
He tells her to keep it and puts the letter I had back in the bag, handing over a big amount of cash he tells her to burn the lot and get a decent hair cut.

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