Ch 5. Diagon Alley

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Griphook was careful to drive slower on the way back and as such Hagrid, whilst still looking off, was not sick.
We clamber out of the cart "Mr potter. I say, you went through an inheritance test. Normally people experience some type of physical changes. I must ask, did you?" Mr Malfoy inquires.

Suddenly the Malfoys gasp "I say that's extraordinary. You are able to hid that true appearance from anyone who you don't want to see it?" He asks oustanded. I nod, "Outrageous" he replies.
"What will you do Harry?" Mrs Malfoy asks softly. I hadn't really thought about it until now to be honest however "keep it a secret" I hear myself say pretty calmly.
I blink a few times in supprise "you weren't expecting to say that?" Griphook checks. I shake my head. "A mix of the abilities you've inherited, such as an excelated confidence and Slytherin like thinking but also if I'm right, your soul bond leaking through. As I said it can probably do that from time to time. You may find that the Arthur inside you processes things quicker or finds different solutions than you, this is perfectly expected and do listen to him he may be right" Griphook explains. I nod in understanding.

"Wait there" Griphook says before disappearing into his office. A few moments later he comes out holding a small flip mirror " it's known as a truth mirror but actually is a way of distinction between what you can see and what others can see when they look at you. The top mirror shows the truth and the bottom mirror shows what others see. Others in your case means anyone without permission to see what you really look like." He says handing me the mirror with a bow. I accept it off him greatfuly and flip it open, as promised the top half shows me having gone through the physical changes of the inheritance test and the bottom shows me before. " Thank you Griphook this is very helpful" I tell the goblin.

He nods "anything else I can do while you're here sir?" He asks kindly, well as kind as a goblin can manage. "No thank you Griphook, you have been very helpful. We will go now thank you" he nods and walks us out to the exit. " May your gold overflow" I nod to Gaurdstern and Rosenlack on the way out. Simultaneously they reply "may your enemies fall at your feet" with a crule grin.

The others nod awkwardly to the goblins on the way out before we all congregate down the ally to the side. "Well that was an insightful experience, let's never do that again" Mr Malfoy says incredulously. I hold up Arthur's money bag "we won't have to" I say grinning. He nods I approval. "Where now Lucy" Mrs Malfoy asks her husband affectionately. He points at me "shopping, clothes shopping" he says
"Shaken not stired hu dad?" Draco says giggling.
"James bond?" I ask confused. "I do know some muggle literature" Mr Malfoy replies with an emphasis on some. I shrug pulling a face that says fair enough. "To clothes then" Mr Malfoy continues like there was no interruption "if it's all the same I'll wait outside" Hagrid says "was never very good at fashion" he explains, but he has a more cunning look to his eye. I shrug, without being rude, he probably wouldn't fit in the shop. The others don't seem to have any problems either but Mrs Malfoy offers to wait with him.

So Me, Draco and Mr Malfoy walk into "Madam Malkin's robes for all occasions" and are greeted by a witch in about her 50s who is dressed in dark purple robes, which match the shop window and wall, as well as the interior decoration. "Hogwarts dears?" She asks kindly. Me and Draco nod and she points to two steps we can stand on "stand over there please and let me take some measurements of you both" she says and I imedietly do as instructed, Draco follows me and stands next to me.

As soon as I take my place I begin getting attacked by a tape measure. Well it's not actually attacking me just flying around me of its own accord, taking measurements around my waist, chest, arms, neck, around my shoulders and of my spine length and total length. Draco is having the same experience yet he seemes less fazed by it than me."He's been here before dear of course he'll be less bothered by the experience than you" Madam Malkin says as though reading my thoughts. "It was in your eyes dear" she says to reassure me that she couldn't read my mind, still wasn't all that reassuring. However she says no more on the matter and gets to work sewing up black robes for both of us. "These will take half an hour to complete so if you want to look around for anything else you need while you wait." She says kindly.

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