Chapter 19: Two Wishes with One Eyelash

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Finn hadn't texted like he said he would. He hadn't called either. But why would he?

I couldn't deny I was expecting it. After FaceTiming me the other night, I kind of wished he'd do it again.

He was likely busy celebrating over pizza with his team last night after their semi-final win. I knew it was a big deal. And that was likely all he was thinking about--not me.

I was getting annoyed with myself for obsessing over Finn so much. Yep, I was crushing on him big time. I needed to wait this out. All crushes eventually faded away. I had a crush on this boy back in middle school, thinking he was my forever, which was embarrassing and stupid now that I thought about it. I was glad I didn't act on it because it lasted only a month.

I wondered how long my crush on Finn would last. It had been... I couldn't recall when it started. Maybe a few days?

Sighing away the infatuated thoughts, I tried to refocus on the present, handing out a printed infographic to a woman carrying paper bags from the Farmer's Market. The parking lot was the best spot, and I'd been standing there for more than two hours now, giving away hundreds of papers for my save-the-library campaign.

For the first time, there was burning hope in my heart. We can do this. All it would take was ten people to visit the library every day. They wouldn't close it down if more people appreciated its importance.

"Visit the Littleton Public Library," I said as I handed the print. The woman took it without even looking at me. It didn't matter as long as she read the information. I watched as she folded the paper and pocketed it.

People who came to the Farmer's Market were too busy with their grocery bags to take a moment to glance at the infographic, but I wished they would when they got home.

"I need to find a better spot to give these out." Looking inside the tote bag I was carrying over my arm, I tried to estimate how many handouts were left--hundreds more. "Maybe Lotty and Cathy had better luck."

I decided to leave the Farmer's Market and walk around town, still giving away the infographics to anyone I passed. I dropped them in mailboxes, saying a little prayer every time and hoping each would make a difference.

I walked by the library but didn't go in. I didn't need to hand out the infographics to people who already went there. But I looked up at the statue from the sidewalk at the bottom of the library's front steps, smiling at her. "We're going to save the library. Don't worry, Pollyanna."

It sounded like a promise, and I held it close to my heart. A promise I would try my best to keep.

I found my way down Main Street with a lighter load. Most of the handouts I'd taken with me were spread to the people of Littleton. Though my bag hadn't emptied yet, I decided it was time to call it a day.

Tokyo Sympathy Tower by Rie Qudan was waiting for me at home. I had about a quarter of the book to go before I could complete it. The setting was terrific, and I was loving it.

"Alright. Time to go," I said to myself. And that was when I saw him.

Finn came out of Littleton Diner, followed by Dave and two other guys from school. He immediately zoned in on my direction from across the street as if he sensed me there.

I stopped in my tracks. Snap! My heart pumped so fast and hard, almost hurting. I tried to keep my face straight. If I smiled, I would probably give him the most awkward toothy grin, and I didn't want to embarrass myself.

Without care, Finn flashed his best-dimpled smile at me. "Hey, Watson!" he called. Before I could answer, he turned to Dave and said something I couldn't hear.

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