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"What is it?" Two asked when we were at the bridge.

"Another ship just dropped out of FTL." The android replied, I peered over her shoulder at the scanners.

"Who is it?"

"A ferrous corporation destroyer." Android said. "They've already launched a shuttle. It's headed towards the planet surface."

"We have to get them off that planet." I said, worried about the others.

"Can you contact the marauder and warn them?" Two asked.

"I attempted communication but there was no response."

Two swore before going to another console. A beeping sound started.

"We are being hailed by another-"

"Ignore it." Two cut her off. "Marauder, this is the Raza, you've got trouble heading your way. Marauder do you read." There was nothing but silence in response.

We kept trying for communication before Two decided to talk with the other ship.

I stepped up beside her as Commander Neiman's voice came through.

He started questioning her in why we didn't complete our mission before telling us they were sending a ship down to finish the job. He also said he was coming over to talk.

"Go and hide. Don't let them see you." I told Five, she wasn't on the crew list, there would be too many questions with a teenager on the ship.

We figured we wouldn't be able to outrun the destroyer so we had no choice but to let them aboard.

"Welcome aboard." Two said as he stepped through the airlock.

He brushed past. We talked in the meeting room, Two sat down face to face with him while I stood behind her.

"You were hired to do a job." He said.

"Like I said, complications arose." Two held her ground. I noticed Neiman glance at me quickly.

"And continued to do so apparently on my way over. I received word that we suffered casualties on the planet."

I kept staring at him with my arms crossed.

"Oh well I'm sorry to hear that." Two said and you could tell she didn't mean it.

"And that your team was responsible." He glanced at me again. "Ours is a cutthroat business and-" He stopped. "Could you tell her to stop staring it's making me uncomfortable." He gestured towards me.

Two turned around to look at me and I smirked.

"She's a member of our crew, she can choose who she stares at." Two said and Neiman rolled his eyes.

"Anyway as I was saying, that planet is the only habitable world in range."

"Then maybe you should've started with the fair offer instead of trying to bully the miners into submission." Two said back.

"I'm not here to talk about what we could do for them. I'm here to discuss what I can do for you."

Two glanced back at me and I shrugged. She turned back to Neiman.

"We're listening."

Neiman offered us money in return for leaving immediately. We accepted the offer, but Two didn't need to tell me that we weren't going to follow through, I knew we wouldn't just leave.

We dropped into FTL so it looked like we just left. After contacting Mikkei and striking a deal, we came back, ready to fight.

"Shields." Two said when the destroyer started shooting at us.

2 Mikkei ships dropped in next to us.

"They've arrived." Android said.

"Yeah, we could tell." I said.

"Deliverance, this is the Raza." Two said on the transmission. "I am in the company of two cruiser class vessels under the flag of the Mikkei combine."

"Raza, what the hell is this?" Neiman's voice came through.

"You're outnumbered. Stand down or face the consequences."

A while later Neiman was back aboard our ship. He walked into the meeting room.

"Commander Neiman, allow me to introduce Commander Saki and Truffault of the Mikkei combine."

A lot of passive aggressive conversation passed. I zoned out while staring at Neiman again.


Everyone was back ont he ship, at the bridge.

"We knew Ferrous corp aren't the only players in the galaxy. So after we jumped, I had the Android plot a course to the nearest Mikkei outpost. Once there, we took the liberty of making a deal on the miners behalf."

"And how much is Mikkei paying?" Four asked.

"Nothing." I said. "We gave them a 99 year lease for free."

Three scoffed.

"How the hell does that help the miners, they'll never agree to that." Six said.

"They already have, they're signing the deal as we speak." I said.

"Their mistake was trying to negotiate with one combine. The only way to handle these bastards is to play them against each other." Two explained.

We apologised for not telling them the plan earlier and decided to head to the nearest space station.


After that we had a talk with Five, she said she knew someone wiped our memories, and that she was remembering it for them.

Then Two and I walked to our separate room together.

But we didn't make it before the pain in my head came back. Sharp, searing, blinding pain shot through my skull.

This time I crumpled instantly. I was unconscious within seconds.


This memory wasn't a good one.

I felt scared, alone and afraid. I stumbled through the streets of an unfamiliar place. I felt disoriented and lost.

Everything in this place was unrecognisable, it was like it was my first time seeing the world.

"Seven." A voice came and I realised it was someone outside of the memory. "Seven, wake up."

My eyes opened wearily to find a group of people surrounding me.

"I passed out again didn't I?" I asked.

"Again? This has happened before?" Six asked.

"Once. When you were down on the planet." Two said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" One asked.

"I forgot about it, with everything that was happening." Two explained as I sat up.

After we got the Android to do a scan we found that there was nothing wrong except for heightened brain activity while I'm unconscious. I explained to the group that I was getting my memories back.

"Well maybe we all can too?" One said hopefully.

I doubted it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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