Chapter 2: The Butlers Brothas

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After along day of class I couldn't wait to go home to sleep. So as soon as the bell rang I rushed out of class heading to the bus stop.

" Hey, Tiana right?" said a Male voice that I dont know.

" Yes, how may i help you?" I said as I turned around met with an unfamiliar face.

" hey, I'm Xander, I was wondering if you want to take part in our school agriculture project for seniors" he said as he walked with me to the bus stop

" ofcourse I'd love to, when and where" i said excitedly

" we start tomorrow after school, we are few in numbers" he smiled while he looked at me being all excited.

" you take the bus too" i asked out of curiosity

" only after school my dad usually drops me off in the morning" he said as we waited

" how did you know my name" i asked

" your dad sells us the best berries and eggs" he said

" oh, you live in our community" i asked

" yea, a couple blocks from your farm house  i pass by alot but i never speak to you upon till now. He talks about you alot" he said as he looked at me

" yea I'm a dad's girl" i said as i smiled

Lance then made his way over, and as usual he has his earphones in.

" Lance, i didn't get the chance to tell you thank you for the coffee" i said only to be interrupted by Alexa as she gave Lance a hug.

" thank you for today" she said to him.

What was that all about. Charlie then pulled up with his loud horn.

" All aboard kiddos, hey Tia the biscuits where glamourlicious" said charlie as he licked his lips

" I'm happy you love them" i said as I went on the bus. And ofcourse Alexa is sitting beside Lance. So i sat somewhere else.

I hated the bus ride, Lance and Alexa chatting so smoothly, but whenever I talk to him it feel like I'm talking to wall. Who am i kidding she's beautiful.

" Hey" said Xander as he came and sat beside me.

Nobody never sits beside me and I don't know why. But i didn't care. But today was different.

" Hey Xander" i said while to took out my sketch pad

" You seemed annoyed of those two chatting so i came to keep you company" he said with a smile on his face.

" you draw ?" he asked while looking at my sketch pad

He then took it from my hands without asking and was looking at the drawings.

" wow not only are you a farmer but your an artists" he said as he smiled

I heard Alexa laughed so I turned around only to see Lance whispering in her ears. They were so close.

" I think I'm going to through up" i said to Xander
He then opened the window and suggested i swapped seat with him. I felt way better i placed my head on the window and let the breeze pass through my bundles coily/curly hair. At that moment it felt like I was flying so i close my eyes and fell asleep for the rest of the bus ride.

" hey wake up" said Xander as he shaked me

" we reach already" i asked while i struggle to get off.

Me, Xander and Lance are the last persons to get off the bus.

" yea, let me help you" said Xander

" no it's fine, i can help my self" i said as i watched Lance walked off the bus

" Bye Charlie, have a good night" i said

" Take care little ones" he said as he waved us good bye.

" are you related to him" asked Xander

" is it because we are black" I said in a serious tone.

Me and my family are the only black people in this Neighborhood. But it was peaceful and ok. I wasn't the only black kid at school tho.

" I didn't mean like that" he said with a sorry face.

" I'm just joking with you " i said realizing that he looked kind of sad.

" Charlie is a good customer of my dads, and he loves my mom baking" i said as i smiled just thinking about dinner

I then realized that me, Xander and Lance was taking the same route home. I didn't know we all lived in the same community. What a small world. I then came to my stop and saw coconut in the front yard

" Coconut!!!" I said happliy while rushing in the yard

" oh good bye Xander" i said while i waved at him realizing he's smiling at me

" Goodbye" he said as he ran to catch up with Lance

I wonder where do they live.

" i see you met the Butlers brothers" said my dad as he made his way from the farm with a crate filled with blueberries.

" Good evening daddy" i said as i ran and took some of the berries and filled my mouth with them.

The sweetness filled my Heart with joy. He smiled.

" they are brothers!" i shouted just realizing what my dad as just said.

" you seem surprised, go greet your momma. Before she gets jealous, smells like she cooking up a storm in there" he said as he laughed

I can't believe they are brothers. Xander didn't even mentioned it. Why tho. That could wait because right now my stomach is singing for my ma's food!

" Tiana is that you! C'mon in here and peel the potatoes" shouted ma from the kitchen

Author note: another chapter down I'll see you in the next One.

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