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The  Sun shone brightly as I took a run,

Today's Saturday and school doesn't start till Monday which am very grateful ,I wasn't ready for enemies and friends. As I ran, I noticed the next neighbour from us were like a few meters away, also we stayed in a forestry area which literally separated us from the main road.

I kinda liked it though, I wasn't a nature person but I loved beauty and the trees did give our house a beautiful scene

Suddenly I tripped over a branch earning a very hard fall,

*Ahh* I said trying to stand as pain rushed through me

*Ouch*I screeched in pain, Well that made my day I was pretty bruished badly. If there was one thing I knew I wasn't a damsel in distress so I wasn't gonna wait for a Prince Charming

So putting my weight on my good foot, I held onto a tree lifting myself in the process while taking baby steps as I walked the long distance home to treat myself. Removing my earpods from my ears and placing them in my pockets along with my phone I ended up bumping into a tree

Sorry erase that I meant a chest

*Seriously, again * I mumbled under my breath trying to get past him when suddenly heard a deep yet youthful voice

*Are you okay *
   Looking up to meet with beautiful set of mesmerizing brown eyes along with jet black hair and perfect jawline face, Seriously I wasn't one to get easily mesmerized by a guy that just changed everything as I couldn't just help myself and get intrigued by his looks
We stayed like that for what seemed like forever when suddenly peeling my eyes off him and looking straight ahead

*Am fine, thank you*I said forcing myself to walk again mistakenly resting my weight on my injured foot.

*ouch *I screeched pain lingering on my face

*You are definitely not okay* bending to inspect my knees

*Am fine, thanks* I said trying to act strong while hiding a smile

*No, you're not* act a bit worried which was by the way kind of cute but suspicious as to why a stranger would be so worried

*Comon ,let me help you* he said holding a grip on my hand, shoulder and waist sending an electrifying sensation I definitely knew I shouldn't be feeling

The walk was quiet with us taking a glance at ourselves every second that passed, We reached my house and tugged at him to stop but he did literally passing it which made it remove myself from his grip earnings an empty and painful feeling from the injury while forcing myself not to shout in pain

*Where are you taking me*I asked accusingly

                   🌺♥️💖 loves Kosyquins

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