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I saw a hint of emotion flash through his eyes as I said that but disappeared as soon as it came

*To get your wounds treated and healed properly*he said smiling sheepishly

*I can take care of myself ,hmm*I said stubbornly

I hated it when people took care of me like I was a child, it made me seem so weak and defenceless when I wasn't

*Well I mean proper treatment, am not going to kidnap you I promise*he said gripping hold of my hand again as he dragged me along

I didn't argue more instead let me take me there. After a few walks, we reached a house, it gave of a forestry and woody atmosphere

The boy opened the door as he helped me climb gently on the stairs while I mouthed a thank you receiving a smile in return

My lips hung open as we stepped in
Because inside were filled with about 5 or 6 half naked boys I should count properly

Everyone turned their attention towards me and the guy. He led me to a young lady with jet black hair in the kitchen flipping some pancakes

*hey umm emily I found her in the woods and she's a bit injured *definate urgency in his eyes

*heyy am not badly injured just bruised okay *I said butting in and earning a smile from Emily

*Stubborn huh, me likey already *A guy said from behind

But the shocking surprise was the fact that the first guy literally growled at the other on my behalf
I could feel the real anger and tension in the air

*okay, am lia and you people are *I said totally sick of the awkward moment
That worked a bit as they all started to say their names

JARED, EMBRY ,QUIL,PAUL,and lastly the oldest SAM you could tell as he was the only fully clothed person among the dudes in the room as well as Emily's boyfriend

Also the guy who brought me was Seth and his sister who sat by the corner Leah

Emily brought out a first aid kit and helped treat the injuries before wrapping it up in a bandage carefully

*Thanks *

*You're welcome, you know a friend of Seth is a friend of mine *she replied smilingly back while I looked away quickly

I stood up from the stool limping over to the dining as the guys had breakfast and it reminded me I didn't have breakfast this morning , my belly yawned for the sweet smelling pancakes but tryed as hard as possible to hide it

Suddenly Seth turned his gaze towards me lingering from head to toe reminding I was still in shorts and crops, I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks immediately facing anywhere but him

* Are you hungry*


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