Chapter 6

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Me and Papa were packing up everything because our flight was in a few hours. I kept trying to make excuses to go and check on Ollie but Papa wouldn't let me leave.

I decided to message him because that seemed to be the only way I could reach him.

We checked out of the hotel and we were dropped to the airport by the driver.

We didn't have to go through security or anything because it was a private jet.

We boarded the plane and I sat down on a seat and stared out of the window.

Ollie still hadn't replied to my message which was really starting to worry me.


We arrived back at our house in Monaco to see my grand-mère and oncles in the living room.

"félicitations pour la victoire, mon fils! {congratulations on the win, my son!}" My grand-mere exclaims hugging my papa and then soon coming over to me.

"We actually have a surprise for you, Elise." Papa looks at me as I look back at him confused.

"For me?" I ask as he nods and pulls out an envelope from his bag.

He passes me the envelope as I slowly open it and read the letter.

"No fucking way!" I shouted as Papa laughed.


"What is it?" Arthur asks me.

"I've been accepted into the European karting championship!" I scream as everyone hugged me.

"Our future ferrari driver." My Papa stands proudly as my smile beams.

"When do I start?" I asked.

"In about two weeks time." He tells me as I nod.

The conversation gets interrupted as a knock at the door distracts us.

Papa walks to the door and I follow behind him.

Papa opens the door and It's a lady.

"Hello. Sorry to interrupt you but I think my nephew through his football over your fence." She laughs.

"Oh no problem. Elise go find the ball." Papa turns his head as I screw my face up.

"Why me?" I groaned as he glared at me.

I sighed and walked past the lady and going to look for a football.

As I found the ball I walked back over to her. "Here." I through the hall as she barely caught it.

"Thank you love." She smiled as Papa patted my head.

"What's your name by the way?" Papa asked her.

"Charlotte." She says as Papa goes to speak. "Oh. I know who you are." She chuckled.

"Oh right." He awkwardly said.

"Oh. No- no. I don't just know you from Formula one. You went to my school."  She said as I looked at her.

"Really? I don't remember you." Papa looked confused.

"I kept to myself in school." She nodded. "Anyways. I better get this ball back to my nephew, My sister lives across the road anyways."

"Well hopefully I'll see you around?" Papa says as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. definitely." She replies as he shuts the door.

I shook my head and walked up to my bedroom.

I checked my phone and saw that Ollie had replied to me.

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